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Ben's POV

As I walked through the woods, I saw a glint of something. I walk over to it and pick it up to see it was a knife with the initials 'J.A.W' carved into the handle. J.a.w? I look at the knife. I place it in my back pocket. I continue walking when I hear a stick snap. I barely have time to react, as I'm attacked. I scream. I was being clawed at. I see a flash of white before it lets out an inhuman screech and leaves. I hear footsteps rush over to me.

"Ben?! Ben! No, no, no! C'mon!" I hear. Jeff?

"J-Jeff..?" I mumble. Jeff picks me up.

"Y-You're gonna be okay, Ben. Okay? T-Trust me! Please.." Jeff says, his voice wavering. I look up at him. I give him a weak smile.

"I'll be.. Ngh.. O-Okay, Jeff.." I whisper, my voice hoarse from screaming. Jeff quickly takes me back go the mansion. I had passed out on the way from blood loss.

Jeff's POV and timeskip

I sat next to Ben. I gently grab his hand and nuzzle into it.

"Please be okay..." I mumble. Ben hasn't woken up in two weeks. He lost lots of blood. I whimper quietly. I let go of his hand. I lie my head on my arms which were crossed. I feel something touch my back. I look behind me to see EJ.

"Jeff, c'mon, you've been in here all week. Please? You've barely ate anything. Ben wouldn't want you to starve yourself." I look back to Ben. His chest rose and fell as he breathed calmly, Lucy lying next to him.

"Just a few more minutes...." I mumble. He sighs and leaves.

"Please, Ben, wake up.. I need you...... I know, heheh.. I sound pretty damn needy, but I really do need you. Please... I can't live a day without you..." I whisper. Lucy looks at me. She carefully steps over Ben and sits next to me, then starts rubbing her head against my arm. I pet her.

"Heh. I know. We both miss him." I smile weakly. I rest my head in the palm of my hand as I pet Lucy. I hear a quiet, almost inaudible groan. I stop. I look at Ben. His eyes flutter open.

"BEN!!" I yell. He winces and I hug him tightly.

"Who the hell- Oh. Jeff? Are you-... Crying..?" Ben asks. I whimper softly.

"Oh no, no, no. Jeff, don't cry. I'm okay!"

"I-I-I know, its just.. I honestly thought you were gone.." I cry.

(Speaking of crying, I'm actually crying while I'm typing this wtf lol)

"Aw Jeff.." Ben pets my hair.

"I'm okay Jeff. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I continue to whimper softly as he pets my hair. The door opens.

"Jeff? I h- Ben? You're awake! I'll go get Slenderman!!" EJ says. Lucy gently rubs her head against my arm. Slenderman teleports in and I jolt away.

"Ah, Benjamin. You are awake. I will let you go back to your room now, but Jeff will have to carry you until you are fully healed." Ben and I both blush. He gave us amused 'looks'. Then he teleports away. I get up.

"Can we go to our room..?" Ben asks quietly.

"Sure." I reply and pick up Ben bridal style. He lies his head on my shoulder tiredly. Lucy hops onto my shoulder and we start off to Ben and I's room. We passed Liu, to which he just friken fanboyed saying "OH MY GAWD SO F'ING CUTE!" Or, "Oh god I'm gonna friken die of cuteness what the fuck?" Or... Somethin like that. We also passed Toby, who just said "aw. S-So cute." Then walked off. The people at this mansion were weird as hell. I open the door to the bedroom and set Ben down on his bed, to which he mumbles a quiet 'thank you'. I sit on my bed after Lucy jumps onto Ben's. I lie down and fall into a deep, nightmare-filled dream.

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