Go After Him

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"Dean wait!" Cas shouted, but the car was already starting. If he let Dean leave, he might think it over too much, he might think he was cheating on him with Gabe. So he had to stop him, he had to explain and beg for forgiveness, kissing his hand and wiping his tears. 

Without even thinking twice, he jumped in front of the car. Dean couldn't back up and Cas hoped he wouldn't run him over.

Thankfully, he didn't. Instead, he simply yelled "Get out of the way, Cas!" Cas shook his head. "Just let me explain," he yelled back, struggling to be heard over the roar of the powerful motor.

He saw tears in Dean's eyes as he said "Explain what? Look, Cas, if you wanted to be with someone else, you should've just broken up with me." Now it was Cas' turn to cry. Dean thought he didn't want to be with him? Had he not shown in every way he knew how that Dean was everything he could ever hope for? He fell to his knees. If Dean wanted to drive away he could; if he wasn't enough for him.

But Dean didn't drive away, he got out of the car and rushed over.

"Cas? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled, I..." Cas cut him off, laughing through his tears, because what did Dean have to apologize for? He should be apologizing, explaining, begging for forgiveness, so he did.

"I'm so, so sorry, Dean. Gabe is just my roommate, we aren't... anything. He just wanted to get me out of the dorm because I've been depressed all day. I just, I don't want to see Oculus, Dean! I'm scared of horror movies and I don't like rock concerts, but I love you and I'm so, so sorry." He finished his ramble and stared at the ground, unable to make eye contact.

But Dean cupped his face and forced him to look at him. They were both crying, and while he was sure he looked like a mess, Dean still looked absolutely beautiful, which made him want to cry even more.

"Cas," Dean said, his voice softer than before, "why didn't you say anything? This whole time, you hated when we went anywhere. You shoulda said something." Cas mumbled sorry over and over, holding Dean and leaning into him, thankful he was able to do even this much to Dean.

Dean pulled back, forcing them to make eye contact again. "Cas, next time you gotta say something. I thought you liked it, but this whole time you didn't want to go anywhere with me. You know I want to be with you, I have for quite a while. I want to love you, I just, I don't know how. I'm not very good at this."

Dean was blushing, probably thinking he was an idiot, that his little speech was pathetic, but Cas thought it was beautiful. He kissed Dean, in the middle of the street, in the dark, pulling him as close as humanly possible.

They sat for half an hour, just talking about themselves. He completely forgot about Gabe and went home with Dean.

As Dean dropped him off, he gave him their routine goodnight kiss then asked "So, where do you wanna go on our next date?"

Cas grinned smugly, "I'll take you somewhere."

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