Chapter 2

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Stiles and Malia were waiting outside of the high school for Scott, Kira, and Lydia to get there for senior night. Rain was beating down around them as they stood under an overhang for shelter. They were each on the phone trying to get a hold of anyone but the storm raging around them was messing with the phone signals.

"Nothing from Scott or Kira." Malia told Stiles after he got off the phone from trying to get ahold of Lydia.

"And nothing from Lydia either."

"And I still don't know if I passed. I don't want to do this unless I'm actually a senior." Malia ranted trying to hide how nervous she is. She didn't want to be held back but she didn't think she did all that well on the test.

"Yeah.” Stiles went back to sending text after text to the others before realizing Malia was staring at him. “What's wrong with you?"

"You smell terrible." Malia scrunched up her face as she smelled Stiles. He smelled acidic which didn't sit well with her.

"Yeah, it's called anxiety. Should be a familiar scent for you by now, since it's pretty much a constant state for me."

"Why's this thing so important to you?" Malia asked not understanding the importance of the seniors signing their names in the library.

"It's not. It's not. It's uh I don't know. Maybe it is.” Stiles stuttered trying to figure out what he wanted to say. Malia sat patiently wanting to figure out what Stiles was going to say, “I asked my dad the other day about his high school friends. Guess how many he still talks to? None. Not a single one. You know, these were his best friends and he just says he lost touch with them, you know. So I started thinking about things, like I always do."

"Obsessively." Malia interrupted before Stiles could keep talking. Stiles rolled his eyes slightly, but unable to deny it.

"Yeah. And so I'm thinking, what if What if Scott's my best friend now you know, but he's not my best friend for life?"Malia could tell he was getting more anxious as he spoke based on smell alone, but she didn’t understand what was so bad about it.

"Well, doesn't that just happen sometimes?"

"Yeah, but only because we let it happen. You know, that's what I'm saying. How come when we graduate we're just expected to go our separate ways? If I've already found the best people in my life, why aren't I not trying to stay with them, you know?" Stiles stressed wanting her to understand. He wanted someone else to agree with him so he didn’t feel so alone with his fears.

"Well, I thought that was the plan. The dream.” Malia stated knowing how important it was to Stiles.

"The vision. And don't mock the vision." He scoffed feeling offended that his friend would make fun of something he was so passionate about.

"I like the vision. Especially if I'm part of it.” Malia assured. She wouldn’t say it to him but she was happy about being included in his plans. She knew another reason he was nervous was because he had to leave Alec behind as he went to college. “You do realize that even if you lose touch with all of us you'll still have Alec, right?"

"But what if I don't? There's no guarantee, especially since he isn't graduating yet." He wanted to believe so badly that him and Alec would be perfectly fine, but that was unrealistic based on the fact that they would hardly ever see each other.

"Trust me. You two are both too stubborn to lose touch plus your dad already treats him like his second son. Where is Alec right now?" Malia asked already knowing the answer.

"Hanging out with my dad." Stiles knew what she was getting at but couldn’t help but still doubt their future together.

"Exactly. Every Time you visit home or anything Alec with be there because you guys are already practically married. You two will be fine." Malia assured him. He might not completely believe her but he was definitely hoping she was right.

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