Chapter 29

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Jordan Parrish kept himself locked in the cell at the sheriff's office as a way to try to keep everyone else safe in case he loses control again. Lydia joined him early in the morning refusing to leave no matter how much Jordan begged, instead she focused on trying to convince him that he wasn't dangerous unless someone were to get in his way. After hours of arguing Lydia ended up just sitting down against the cell, closing her eyes as if she was going to nap, Jordan sat down so that their shoulders were touching as a quiet appreciation for her being there with him. After a while he decided to try and convince her to leave again since she was very close to falling asleep.

“Go home, Lydia.” Jordan told her opening his eyes again and turning so that he could see the side of her face that was facing towards him. “Stilinski isn't telling anyone where he put the bodies, and I'm pretty sure I'm not psychic.”

“But you're drawn to death. Just like me.” Both of them knew she was right and that was exactly why he wanted her to not be anywhere near him whenever he lost control again.

“Does that make me a kind of Banshee?” He really wanted to know what he was, so then at least he could do some research and figure out the best way to keep everyone safe from him.

“You find bodies.” Lydia amended knowing they were not the same, but similar enough for her to want to be there for him in case something happened.

“I find Chimeras.” 

“Dead Chimeras.” Lydia scoffed knowing he was just trying to find anything he could to disprove what she was saying.

“So, we're both harbingers of death. I should probably add that to my resume.” Jordan joked knowing that he wasn't going to get rid of her unless she decided to leave by herself.

“Hmm. It's on my college applications.” She joked back as she gave him a small smile. They both went back to leaning against the cell to take another nap.


It was morning by the time Stiles decided to call someone about his jeep. He could have done it last night, but he just needed some time to think about everything that happened without anyone bothering him and what better way than turning his phone off and sleeping on some random road against his broken down jeep. 

After calling a tow company he called Malia to pick him up because he didn't have anyone else that could drive him anywhere since he's usually the one driving. By the time the tow truck was starting to hook the jeep up Malia was pulling up next to him and getting out of the car.

“Can they fix it?” She asked as she started driving and Stiles started looking more and more tired.  

“There's not enough duct tape in the world to fix that thing.” Anyone who looked at Stiles could tell how tired he was mentally and physically. Malila couldn't help but wonder what he was doing before the jeep broke down, but he didn't seem too keen on talking about anything right now.

“Maybe you should try something other than duct tape.”

“It's got a bad alternator, you know, needs all new belts, transmission's going. The brake pads are basically metal on metal.” Stiles rambled off shocking her on his knowledge of cars. Realistically she knew that he knew about cars, but the way he took care of the jeep made her doubt how much he really knew about the engine.

“How come you let it get so bad?” She asked knowing that he loved his jeep and usually he made sure to fix it up whenever he time.

“There's been a few distractions, if you haven't noticed.” Stiles snapped turning away from Malia.

“I notice. More than you think I do.” She told him, forcing him to look at her from the hurt tone in her voice.

“Uh, I didn't mean it like that.” He mumbled feeling uncomfortable, like he was transparent and she was able to just see whatever she wanted.

“Am I taking you home or to Alec’s?” She asked as she pulled up to a stop sign.

“No not Alecs.” Stiles rushed out ignoring the questioning looks that she was sending his way. “Sheriff station. I gotta talk to my dad.”

Malia nodded as she started driving to the station wondering why he was adamant on not going to Alec’s. The ride was silent as both teens were lost in their own minds riddled with their own problems that they didn't think the other would understand. They were sitting in the parking lot before someone spoke again.

“You want me to go in with you?” She could feel how uncomfortable and nervous he was and she figured she could at least offer her presence, but he just shook his head.

“No, it's okay. It's probably going to take a while.” 

“Are you going to tell him about Donovan?” Malia blurted out as he opened the door to get out of the car. He froze and turned to look back at her before slowly closing the door again in defeat.

“You knew?”

“I guessed. I saw the bite on your shoulder at Scott’s.” Malia said before sensing his panic start to rise, so she quickly reassured him. “It didn't matter to me. That's why I never said anything.”

“It matters to me.” Stiles muttered before rushing out of the car not wanting to see the pitying look on her face. Despite thinking she understood everything, she really didn't and he wasn't in the mood to try and explain anything to her. He walked into the station and asked the deputy at the front desk about his father since his office door was closed.

“Sheriff left half an hour ago. He said he was on his way back.” The deputy at the desk told him. Stiles nodded glancing back at his office door and to Malia who he could see was still in the parking lot trying to decide what he wanted to do.

“Okay, thanks. I'll just wait in his office.” He told the man who nodded. Stiles ran into the office and closed the door behind him before sliding down to the ground trying to calm himself so he didn't have a panic attack. He wished Alec was there with him. He picked up his phone and thought about calling him, but decided against it after he remembered how hurt the younger boy looked at his actions last night before he ran away.

Hello everyone! Hopefully you all had a good last 24 hours and that you enjoy this quick update. Let me know you're theories for the rest of the season, I'm curious on what you think is going to happen and if my foreshadowing was obvious enough or not?

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