Chapter six

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Presently I was sat in one of Kings flats with 8 other males watching them play FIFA and smoke.

I was pissed. How could he not know by now I was not the one for games and time wasting.

These were reason I couldn't deal with hoodrats, they play games.

After watching for another five minuets frustration washed over me making me grab my belonging and head straight for the door.

As I stood waiting on the lift to come he walked out in just his joggin bottoms showing his muscles and sleeve tattoo making my knees go ?weak.

" What's the tantrum for babes " he asked with a confused expression.

" I'm not throwing a tantrum I'm leaving babes " I said putting emphasis on the babes.

" But why you were fine Before " he asked putting his hand on my waist dragging me closer.

It was crazy how he had me so soft when we hadn't even known each other for a long time.

" When did the words I'm fine come out my mouth " I ask quietly fearing his reaction for my cheekiness.

" Why you getting cheeky for get in the house man " he spoke loudly now dragging me by the arm into his flat.

I looked to the floor breathing slowly trying to control my anger.

" Wait in my bedroom I soon come. " He said walking back to his friends.

I was even more angry that I couldn't do nothing but listen to his Orders.

I was extremely tired I had a full day at the salon earlier.

I just wanted to cuddle up in bed with Tia and Netflix.

I searched his wardrobes for a tshit to put on, soon as I found a suitable one just bellow my bottom I climbed under his covers snuggling up to all the pillows his bed was filled with.

Although my eyes were shut I was wide awake. When king entered the room I squeezed my eyes shut tighter.

As he sat at the edge of the bed increasing the volume of the radio up with the remote. Totally ignoring the fact i could be sleeping.

" Come here " he said over the music.

He knew I was awake but I stayed still.

"Come here " he repeated more firmly making me nervous.

I sat up slowly fiddling with my long pink nails.

"Am I over there or over here " he asked huskily.

" I'm tired I don't want to move " I spoke quietly.

" Come here I said. " He said one last time.

After releasing a deep sigh I climb out of bed standing infront of him.

He patted his knee then said " sit. "

" Do I look like a dog " I asked calmly.

" I said sit " he repeated still calm.

I sat down giving up, I refused to argue I was tired.

" Why you acting up today have U got sense " he asked his eyes focused on my lips.

I screwed up my face at his question.

" have I got sense " I repeated still screwing.

" Are you deaf too that's what I said " he replied running his hands up and down my waist.

This was the most physically contact we've had since knowing each other after two months.

" Well I'm not answering your question because it's stupid " I replied looking at my red well painted toes.

"Can I get a kiss " he asked turning my head towards him with his palm.

"No because you've been inconsiderate all day " I replied slowly.

Although I wanted him to my miss fabulous personality was playing up at this precise moment.

"I dont want to know about my inconsiderate ways right now I wanna know if I can kiss you right now " he asked brushing his finger across my lips.

"Why should I allow you too " I asked getting all soft inside.

" If your gonna start your mind games go back to bed yeah " he replied with a sigh.

I stood up ready to get back into bed but instead his arms wrapped around my waist lifting me.

With one swift action I was on my back laid across his bed with him above me.

" Can you move " i asked looking everywhere but his eyes.

" Where am I tell me " he asked

" Right here " I said slowly confused.

" So look at me then" he said quietly.

As eye contact was made my stomach began doing backflips and star jumps.

" Let me ask you one last time can I kiss you or not " he ask like it was the most simple question.

" Go on " I whispered extremely quietly.

"I really. " Kiss on my forehead.

" Like " kiss to my button nose.

" You " a peck to my lips.

As he brushed his lips across my cheek travelling to my neck, goose bumps formed on both my arms.

I was more than nervous right now.

" But your so difficult " his teeth griped my skin making me draw in a breath.

As he began sucking and biting on my skin I realised what he said.

" I'm not difficult " I stuttered.

" I'm off that topic now "

he replied now focusing all his attention on the right side of me neck.

" Can we not do this right now you was a prick earlier " I stuttered.

" Welcome to my world baby " he whispered sweetly into my ear.

"Your worlds full of bad" I whispered back.

" Bring out the good in me then " he whispered onto my lips.

Someone continuously knocked on his bedroom door making me realize his friends haven't gone home.

" King man it's important " the person spoke over the knocking.

" What " he shouted back with his eyes still focus on me.

" Zebina is on her way here now " fear flashed. Through his eyes.

after hearing that he walked out the room without a word making me extremely suspicious.

"Who's she " I asked half asleep when he entered back the room


Very short but they'll be a much longer one up sooner than you think.

Enjoy x

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