Chapter 4

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I was more nervous around him after hearing from Shenika that he ruled these streets.Apparently his name really was king, or so it was in the hood.

He really was the king I heard about.

The king these girls go cray over was buying me drinks all night long. He'd been watching me all night, and because of that every guy who wanted a dance got turned down.

My night consisted of dancing to impress him and finishing all the drinks he offered.

Best believe my hand wasn't empty atallll throughout the night.

Standing at the bar getting some napkins for the drink Nicole just spilled I felt hands on both sides of my waist.

When I looked down to the hands on my waist and the two thick gold rings made me instantly know it's him.

" I'm getting tired of watching you all night I wanna get to know you Mrs fabulous " his deep voice whispers into my ear making my insides melt.

" I see many people are watching you tonight so you might wanna get to know them too " I replied turning to face him.

"Their watching me and I'm watching you so who you watching babes " he asked smiling showing his perfect teeth.

" I ain't watching nobody I'm just doin my thang babe " I lied knowing I've also secretly been watching him all night too.

" Slow down I just wanna get to know you but don't turn around cuz that pretty round thing looks good to me

Slow down never seen anything so lovely now turn around and bless me with your beauty cutie " he sang sweetly into my ear making me laugh.

" You've got my number call me and you can get to know me cutie " I replied before walking away.

I continued enjoying my night taking glances now and again at him a his group of hoodrats.

His table was filled with bottles and cups. The same remained for my table as he continuously had drinks been sent over here.

As everyone was now leaving the club me and all the girls stood in a round circle each waiting for a lift, both me and Tia refused to remove our hands from our pockets to call the taxi.

We both continued to argue that I didn't realise King was speaking to me until Nicole tapped me letting me know.

I looked up realising he asked me a question, I couldn't help but admired how he looked so calm and content for someone that hand been drinking all night long my eyes wondered to his hand resting on the steering wheel and the ice gold watch that looked so sexy against his complexion.

" Do you want a lift mrs fabulous " he asked looking directly at me.

" Yeah we do please " Tia replied for me walking towards the car.

I wasn't very sure about king so I would have rather waited on my taxi an froze but Tia couldn't help but answer for me.

I said my goodbyes to the girls and walked to the car getting in the front seat, once I told him the address of Tia's apartment we set off with nines lyrics blasting throughout the road.

I took small glances at him admiring him like I've done all night, he was extremely handsome his dark complexion just looked even more sexy with the tattoos he was covered in.

He turn the volume of the music down when his phone rang, I took in every detail of his facial expression throughout his phone call.

He raised his eyebrows looking at the caller ID.

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