Fresh Coffee

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A/N: These will slowly get longer, I swear xD

•< Todoroki PoV >•

The half-ghoul sat in the alleyway for some time as he cleaned himself up a bit.
“At least I shouldn't have to worry about my hunger too much now..” He sighed as he stood, a little shaky.
“How long have I been sitting there..?” Shouto quietly asked himself as he looked at his now healed arms. “Maybe.. an hour at minimum?”
After he regained his balance, he walked out the other side as if nothing had happened, rejoining the crowd. It's true, he had temptations with all these humans around, but they were very suppressed.

As he walked, he kept his head facing the ground below him, not wishing to make eye contact with anyone. His heterochromatic eyes gazed at the pavement he was walking on, pale hands in his coat pocket. Todoroki honestly just carried a spare coat everywhere. After all, you never know when you'll have to fight another ghoul or an investigator. He hummed a soft and quiet tune, not quite loud enough for anyone around to hear his soothing melody, which his mother taught him when he was little. How he missed her.

After a small while has passed, Shouto found himself outside a small coffee shop. A small smile found it's way onto his face as he pushed through the door, walking into the building. From the moment you entered, you'd be able to smell the cinnamon, the caramel, the chocolate and definitely the coffee. It was a blessing.

He took a seat by the windows, his pale head in his palm as he looked out. It was so peaceful in here.. and he could honestly stay here forever.

•< Bakugou PoV >•

After quite a bit of walking, the blonde finally stormed into a small cafe, grumbling nonsense under his breath. He looked around, a good amount of seats taken. He growled and sat himself by the window, infront of another male.
“Don't care if it's taken or not, I'm sitting here.”
He saw the other males eyes glance over, then back out the window.
“The hell?! Are you mute or something?”

The other male let out a warm huff of breath.
“No, I just find talking to you utterly pointless at the moment.”

“You're a jackass.” Katsuki replied.

“So be it.” He responded, then went mute.

Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” He looked at the small pamphlet that was provided, looking through the desserts and beverages. When the waitress came, he ordered a simple platter of baked goods and a coffee.

A couple minutes later, she came back with his order, and left with a smile. Katsuki rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his coffee. ‘It's not bad..’ He thought, carefully.

The male he was sitting with stirred slightly, but said nothing. He was clearly focused outside. Bakugou snapped his fingers. “Oi, you dead in there?” The other turned his gaze towards him.

“No, like I said. There's just no point in talking.”

“What a ray of sunshine you are.” Katsuki grumbled as he took another sip of his coffee.

It was completely silent between the two for a good while. “What do you want to talk about?” The other. Male finally broke the seemingly never ending silence.

“I don't know.. maybe start with introducing yourself? Dumbass..”

The other rolled his eyes. “Todoroki Shouto. And you are..?”

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