Be My Princess

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"But Greg!"

"No, Yuu! It's silly! And I'm not wearing that, it's so girly."

I made a face at the frilly pink dress my best friend Yuu was trying to get me to wear. He had come to the park with it, having borrowed it from his grandma so he could play knights, and as he put it, 'Every knight needs a princess.' But the problem was, Yuu was a shy boy. He was too scared to go up to a random girl in the park and ask her to be the princess in his game, and all his friends were boys. So he thought it would be okay if I were his princess instead. That's so silly! Boys don't wear dresses!

"That's not true!" Yuu said when I told him, "Gage is wearing a dress! He's pretending to be a princess!"

My mouth dropped open. "Then why don't you have Gage be your princess?!"

"Because Griffin already called Gage!" Yuu said, stamping his foot frustratedly, "Griffin and Gage are ready to play, but I need a princess before I can play!"

I huffed. Of course Gage could wear a princess dress. With his round face, large blue eyes and long blonde hair that he kept braided behind him, he could wear the dress and everyone would think he's a girl. But my face looked more like a boy's, with brownish-red eyes and silver hair that went down past my chin, and I had freckles and a gap between my front teeth. Not to mention all the dirt on my face.

Yuu blinked his silver eyes at me, his messy bright red hair being blown all over the place by the wind. I saw his lower lip begin to tremble. Oh no.

"Please be my princess, Greg? I really wanna play."

His lower lip jutted out and his head lowered, his eyes growing wide and sad-looking as he gave a perfect begging face. I was done for. No one said no once he made his begging face. Not even his grandma, and that woman was a terror to seven-year-olds everywhere.

"...Give me the dress."

Yuu hopped up and down happily as he handed me the dress to put on. He ran off to join a brown-haired kid at the end of the playground, jumping up and down and talking happily. I sighed and slipped the dress on over my clothes, and looked around to see Gage. He was at the tallest part of the jungle gym, right next to the swirly slide. I climbed up there and joined him as we waited for our 'knights' to come save us. Of course, while we waited, we played a bit ourselves, pretending to hit invisible mice on the ground.

Yuu and Griffin came running up into the jungle gym. They brandished their sticks around, slaying the imaginary creatures as they made their way towards us. I giggled as Yuu yelled in triumph as he "slayed the dragon" on top of the tunnel and climbed off. He walked up the stairs to where I was, smiling as he reached me.

"You saved me, my knight."

Yuu nodded, "Anything for the pretty princess."

I frowned at this. Boys weren't pretty. He just laughed at my frown.

"Now I gotta save you from the tower."

Yuu sat on the swirly slide and pulled me by the hand, sitting me in his lap and wrapping his arms around me. He pushed us down and we zoomed through the swirly slide, laughing the entire way. I was actually having fun, even if I did wear a dress. I got up and brushed the dirt off the dress, or at least tried to. It just seemed to get dirtier. I pulled it off over my head and gave it back to Yuu.

"Hey, we're not done!" he pouted, "The princess has to kiss the knight as a thank you for saving them!"


I groaned as he tried to make another begging face at me. No, he was not gonna get what he wanted this time! Boys don't kiss boys! I tried to explain this to him, but...

"My daddy said he had a friend who was married to another boy. It's just a quick kiss, Greg. To finish the game. Please? It doesn't even have to be on the mouth!"

I sighed. I guess it wouldn't be that big of a deal. It's just a kiss. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, before leaning back and shoving the dress at him, running back to my daddy before he asked me to play anymore silly games.

He can be so weird sometimes.

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