The First Chapter

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Jermimah was practically vibrating with anticipation as she waltz through the trashy street of New York. Ever single piece of litter made her quiver with excitement, reminding her of her brand new future.

A litter picker.

The one thing Jermimah always aspired to be.

She had met with her new boss Michael the previous day. He was kinda with a nice smile and an even nicer ass- i mean attitude.... He was nice. He barely interviewed Jermimah before he shoved her new name tag into her face and called her new employee! Jermimah couldn't believe her luck, he head was high and her hopes even higher. her pearly white teeth glimmered like snow, but if her teeth were actually snow it would really hurt. She was relieved she didn't have to try eat broccoli with snow teeth. Oh damn, imagine tryna tear up some steak but your teeth just melt then and there... pretty bad lifestyle if you ask me. That isn't the point though.

As Central Park approached, Jermimah could contain her excitement. She wiggled her butt and screeched like a pig on steroids. She earned some odd looks, but she was too excited to give a darn. Her new job would start right here, in Central Park. And maybe, just maybe, she would eventually be able to litter pick all of NYC. The though made her quack out loud.

She was just at the main entrance of the park when a sudden explosion was heard from behind Jermimah. Jermimah gasped, flinching as she immediately spun on her heel to see what had caused the dreadful conundrum behind her. Jermimah's face almost fell off her face as it went pale as snow - still not actually made of snow but you get the point - and she almost peed herself when she saw those two, dark, beedy eyes staring down at her.

"Oh... my word!" Jermimah whispered as she locked eyes with the one and only fear that ever consumed her nightmares nice she was a wee babby.

Jermimah couldn't believe it, she thought she was dreaming, but it was as if the scary yoke on top of the Empire State Building knew what she was thinking. To confirm her fears, he let out a loud squawk. And that was it. It was all real.

It was her long lost, half bird, twin brother Jerimayah. And he had returned for revenge on his little twin sister.

Fiery smoke filled the air and the thick smell of smoke arose, filling Jermimah's nostril, the other was blocked. People scream and ran away from the tragic thing behind them. It was really scary. There was one lady who looked a bit like Cher if Cher never got plastic surgery which made Jermimah giggle for a second before she suddenly realized that her brother had jumped off the building and was coming right at her.

"OH SHIT!" Jermimah screamed as she ran away. She ran into the park and hid behind a tree. She tried to dig her head into the soil of the ground of Central Park but she's actually not an ostrich so it only resulted in a mild concussion.

When Jermimah thought she was safe, she heard another squawk. It was behind her! Jermimah gasped, turning around and gasping again because it wasn't actually her brother but a gross homeless man. So then she ran away and then actually ran into her brother who wore a suave tux and a red bow-tie. He was kinda cute, like a baby kinda cute except he had a bird head and was trying to murder Jermimah.

"Jerimayah!" Jermimah gasped again, her head shaking from side to side.

"Hey bitch." Jerimayah spoke, his voice finally breaking after he hit puberty when he was 19. He sounded less like an 8 year old with bad potty language now.

"Jerimayah! What are you doing here?!" Jermimah continued to shake her head like a maraca.

"Gonna kill you tbh." He said, actually saying out the letters "tbh" he was that rad.

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