Chapter Four

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A couple of days had passed since my first mission and since then not much has happened. Off-handed comments from Tomura, and a new drinking habit that was sure to put me in an early grave. Speaking of drinking here I was again, at the counter whiskey in hand. 

"Sho, Dabi, why the fuck are you so quiet?" I slurred out. Come to find out alcohol made me chatty and erased any kind of filter or reasoning I had. 

Dabi glanced at me with his softly reddened face, it was evident the alcohol wasn't only affecting me. His eyes were calmer than usual and the look on his face only held half it's usual guard. I could, however, tell by his irked eyebrows that I was grating on his nerves. He was the one usually put to deal with me, drunk or not, he was like my babysitter. 

"Because talking to you is tiring." He teased. 

No matter how much he hated dealing with me he loved riling me up even more. It was his sole source of entertainment when he wasn't on a mission and he was damn good at it. 

I felt my face contort wildly as I furrowed my brow and stuck out my bottom lip.

 "Whash that suppose to mean?" I questioned. 

Dabi smirked at took a swig of his drink. Watching him drink temporarily guided my mind back to my own. I slurped down the stinging but magical nectar and instantly turned shit-faced. 

"You need to slow down, little alcoholic." He said. 

Fuck him. I needa driiiink.

 "Kurogiri, more, pretty pweeease." I practically begged.

The shadowy man stared at me for awhile before grabbing the bottle and sighed. "Last one, miss (y/n)."

I pouted, half tempted to let out a whine. I turned my head towards Dabi and gave him the nastiest look I could muster. 

"You did this!" I spat. 

Dabi, though composed, I could tell was stifling back a laugh. Though I was in a delusional and angry state; I felt warm knowing he was even capable of such.  

"You know it's for your own good. You're shit-faced, darling" He said.

My gut twisted at his usual pet name for me. I still had no idea why he called me darling but I also wasn't complaining, it wasn't bad coming from his attractive mouth. Attractive? Gahh! Feelings are confusing, one second I'm thinking of him as just a colleague but next, I'm thinking about how hot he is! Ugh.

"Fine. But you shhhuuold tuck me in." I slurred, downing the tiny shot Kurogiri ended me on. 

Dabi furrowed his brows and smirked. "Fine, fine, your highness." He said. 

Suddenly, Dabi was holding me bridal style and then even more suddenly I was in my bed. Am I a time traveler? Dabi pulled my blankets over me and lazily or maybe cautiously tucked them around me. 

"Goodnight." He whispered. 

Dabi began to move away and through my blackening gaze I somehow reached him. 

"Wait." I begged. 

He turned to me and crouched back down so that I would stop yelling. His glowing blue eyes looked at me, expectedly. He no longer looked irritated or even closed off. He looked soft. His eyes were easy and his lips hung casually on his face. He was so handsome. I wish I could take a picture and show him how serene he seemed. But why? Why was he so calm? 

Dabi let out an inquisitive hum and slightly tilted his head. Oh right I'm making him wait. 

"Shorry... I just didn't want you to leave..." I said. 

Surely I'll be embarrassed about this whole ordeal tomorrow but for now, I couldn't care. The tall, crouched man moved, wordlessly, and sat on my bed. I felt his weight on the bed but I could tell it wasn't much. Sure he seemed to have some muscle tone but he was pretty lean. My mind, which was analyzing him grew fogged and began to blank. 

"Goodnight, Dabi." I whispered, not sure if the words even finished coming out before I passed out.

~Dabi P.O.V.~

I looked at the sleeping figure beside me. The way her (H/L) (H/C) hair hung around her head was pretty I guess. The thing I liked most about her though was now hidden. Her (E/c) shone and sparkled with the might of a million stars and captivated me since the day I first saw her.

 I hadn't thought much of her since the end of our first mission together. Seeing her beaten and bruised made me sad. Walking in I hadn't particularly cared if she was hurt; I was just acting as her babysitter till she ended up dying and then I was free again. But as I fought and didn't see her come out, I got worried. 

It feels weird to care about her but it's human. It's comforting to know that I can still feel things as emo as that sounds. 

A soft snore ripped me from my thoughts. I took in one last view of her face. "I can't love you, (Y/n)" I whispered. My words were for me but part of me wished that she would hear them. "Goodnight". With that I left. 


Sorry this one is shorter, I just feel like no one reads this lol 

I already have a general plot lined out but if anyone wants to see anything specific or make some suggestions feel free to let me know and I'll see what I can do! 

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