[3] The End of Day One

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          "Miss me, Shorty?" Alex whispered so only Elenor could hear it. She was gob smacked.  She didnt know how to respond. Why did he notice her at all? Compared to anybody else in the school she was a nobody!

          So... Her defense mechanism made her just glare at him. On the inside she was just like a tiny, frightened baby deer, trying to look like a big, tough bear. Though she was probably failing, as he just scoffed at her.

          She frowned and began to face forward, when suddenly the bell rang. Elenor flinched, did it really take all of class to do introductions .Well, it was a big class, easily 50 kids at least.She quickly picked up her belongings and set them in her bag. She ran out of the class room to her next class.

           Next, Elenor had art. She was so excited. This class could help her finish her mural. She planned on making a beautiful scenery of the woods containing magic, light, and creatures. Elenor loved to read, and her favorite genre was fantasy.

          She soon entered the class room just on time, for right when she sat down in her seat, the bell rang. She started to take out her notebook and pencil box as the teacher introduced herself. Her name was Mrs. Mayse (pronounced MAY-Z-E).

          Mrs. Mayse explained how she was going to start by drawing our best version of each persons favorite thing to do, so she can see where each of the students are in their art skills.   

          Elenor knew right away what she was going to draw. she was going to sketch a picture of her playing soccer when she was a kid. The reason why she was portraying herself as a kid in her sketch is because she was incorporating two of her favorite things in the picture. Elenor has always loved to play soccer, and she also like to look through her old photo album with her mom.

          Elenor began right away. she would be using her colored pencils, her sketching pencil, and a graphite pencil, to make the lines more prominent.

          Elenor had gotten so lost into her work, she almost didn't hear the teacher tell them to make their last and final touches before handing them in. She looked up at the time to see that class was already almost over. She looked down at her drawing, and felt proud of it. She had tried to go in as much detail as she could, by using the colors the shade or brighten certain areas. 

          After Elenor had handed in her work to Mrs. Mayse's desk, she was about to sit back in her seat when the teacher told her to wait for a second.

          "Elenor, would you mind staying after class for a few minutes so I can talk to you?" she said.

          Confused, Elenor responded," Umm... Sure," Elenor's brain was running at 100mph. Did she do something wrong? If so, what did she do wrong? she wasn't trying to do anything bad, she thought she did everything right. 'I'll just have to wait and see' she thought.

          When the bell rang Elenor was super nervous. She didn't want to get in trouble on the first day, what would her mother think?

          Elenor's mother could be very strict when she wanted to. For example, one time Elenor was five minutes late past curfew while she was hanging out with her group of friends, and her mother had grounded her for two weeks! But other than that, her mother was pretty lenient.

          She finished putting her belongings into her bag, and waited for the other students to leave before she stood in front of Mrs. Mayse's desk.

          "You wanted to see me Mrs. Mayse?" Elenor said, surprisingly not cracking her voice.

          "Yes, I was just looking at your drawing," 'and' Elenor thought nervously, "and it just blew my mind! It's magnificent! How you got so much detail! But, may I ask, why are you a child in it?"

          "Well," Elenor began," I tried to incorporate two of my favorite things into the picture. I used soccer, because it's been my favorite sport since I was a kid, and I pictured myself as a kid in the picture, because I love to sit and go through old photo albums with my mom."

          "Amazing!" Mrs. Mayse paused," Now, for the real question." Real question? What real question?

          Mrs. Mayse must have seen all the worry that struck my face because, she then smiled," Don't worry it isn't anything bad, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to move up to AP Art? I would fear that you would get extremely board and wouldn't learn a thing, as you have already picked up many skills." she chuckled.

          Elenor was speechless. An AP class already! That would be such an amazing opportunity, learning with the upperclassmen and, and, and....

          "Elenor?" She was knocked out of her trance when Mrs. Mayse spoke," I understand if you don't want to change classes becaus..."

          "No!" Elenor exclaimed, slightly embarrassed she yelled so loud. "Sorry, it's just I didn't want you to get the wrong idea. I would love to move to the AP Art class."

          Elenor saw her sigh what seemed to Elenor as a sigh of relief.

          "May I take a look at your schedule, to see what class you have tomorrow to see if this class fits in the schedule?"

          "Uh... Ya, Sure!" Elenor went to grab her schedule, and as she pulled it out of her bag, a note fell to the floor with it. Confused, she bent down and picked up the note, it was folded up many times into a small square. Not knowing what the note was about, she pocketed it to look at later, and handed Mrs. Mayse her schedule.

          Mrs. Mayse studied the schedule for a little while, before handing it back.

          "It seems you had a free block, so it would work perfectly! So I'll get your schedule changed, so you will have AP Art in fourth period on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, this last period on Tuesdays and Thursdays, will become your free block." Mrs. Mayse exclaimed. 

          "Great! See you tomorrow Mrs. Mayse!" Elenor replied, before leaving the room.

          "See you tomorrow, Elenor!" She responded before Elenor closed the door. 

           Elenor had to walk home, because she missed the bus, but she wasn't mad, it gave her time to think. Think about life, her mural, her new AP Art class, and how great the day had been for her. Other than the incident that morning, her day had been amazing. She still could shake off how she had been told that Alex is never nice to anyone, or at least that anyone has seen. Not to mention that he had helped her twice. She shivered at the thought.

          She was about to turn when she heard someone speak.

          "Thought you could get away, did ya?"

(1162 Words) 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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