Ch.11 Before

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Ciara's POV: "Well today sucked. Birthdays are suppose to be fun, filled with laughter, and happiness! Anything but gloomy. Your spending another year with your loved ones and friends that you basically consider your family, it's supposed to be exciting! Unless you live here and in this family...where friends and family members barely visit."

It was around midnight when the female recapped this day while laying towards the end of her bed. If you could call it a bed, it was mostly composed of ripped blankets and newspapers, but as long as someone that needed an actual bed had it, that's all that mattered.

She was laying flat down ready to drift off to dream land, yet, she couldn't. Her eyes were heavy and sleepy, it was her brain that didn't allow it, acting restless.

Her mind was somewhere else, focusing on someone else, she had already tried to shake the image away but it was like a pesky mosquito, it wouldn't quit, it kept coming back.

Ciara: *sighs* "Where were you?" She mouthed.

She had to keep quiet, their was someone else in the room, right next to her in fact. And she knew better than to wake him up, especially when it was this type of topic. He hated it when she would talk about any ex, mainly her first love. It infuriated him, to a point where she learned her lesson. A mark on her wrist reminded her of that.

Ciara's POV: "I could care less about him, I don't love him, not anymore. It's someone I can't have, I always loved him, but I had to move on. He'll never be like him. No one ever is, it was stupid of me to think this relationship would work. I could have been happy, instead I'm stuck with this guy. "

Ashamed, she buried her face in the torn sheets, her eyes got misty as she sniffed into them, feeling lousy. If it wasn't for the huge gust of wind that just swirled around the room, making her look up, she would've continued to pity herself, but she got up and walked to it, quietly.

Besides shutting it when she reached it, she stared at the outside world, feeling another breeze go through her fur. She closed her eyes letting the fresh air fill her lungs, then opening them to something breathtaking behind the clouds.

Ciara: "Woah. A full moon is out tonight." She whispered to herself.

It was her only true companion for the night, it's bright white color exploding and standing out from the dark sky, thus making a thrill sweep over her. She put her head on the windowsill, only gazing at the magnificent thing.

Ciara's POV: "I never seen it this bright. I don't know why but it's so comforting to be around. He would love this, we loved anything as long as we were with each other. But that was years ago."

Then, something occurred to her, that this wasn't the best view of it. The tanish brown dog looked across the hall to see a shut door, her guardian's room. She looked toward her bed, the snoring male still being his lazy, selfish, self. A devilish smile made it's way across her face as she boosted her weight onto the edge of the window, next jumping out.

Once she got out she started running off to a very special spot that she HAD to see one more time. It's been a while, like having the priveldge of going outside for her. Before, she went to the place so much, she could literally be blindfolded while walking backwards and still get there at record time. Now, she can't step one inch outdoors before getting scolded.

Ciara's POV: "I remember the first time I stumbled onto that place. It was better than my other special place in the forest, though, I can't complain. I never would've meet him, but then again, if I didn't meet him my problems would've never happened. Life is so unfair sometimes."

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