Ch.15 Friends and a Foe

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Skye's POV: "What? Maybe it's a trick? A trap to get me to open the door? Remember what Chase warned me about. The rules he told me to follow. Never walk alone, show no weaknesses, and trust carefully."

???: "I know you heard me." His voice was low with a gravel to it, so she knew it belonged to a boy.

Mentally freaked out, the Poodle mix felt a pit in her stomach as she tried to decide what course of action must be done before the individual grows even more impatient.

???: "I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanna talk." He said rather sincere than agressive.

His words made no sense to her. He couldn't possibly be the notorious villan she was expecting, but what if that's precisely the act she's meant to be deceived by. It got her thinking, how can she prove he's the wanted criminal in the first place?

Skye's POV: "Hmm...wanted?"

At that exact moment she realized the answer was right under her nose, literally! In her left paw was the actually description of the bad guy, the sketch drawing.

By talking of course she wouldn't be able to recognize anyone so specific. Not to mention she never heard the crook's voice before so him speaking shouldn't have been an initial indication. Right now, all the female had to do was see who exactly lays behind the closed door.

Taking one glance around the old and empty room she noticed a hole no smaller than a bottle cap appeared next to a piece of unfamilar funiture completely covered in dust. She planned to get over there and peer through it and see that in fact it is or isn't the culprit.

But what Skye hadn't noticed before was the door had no locks, so there was the risk of him barging in at any moment. He's going to stop knocking and calling out to her eventually, however it seems like he doesn't even know about the easy entry, yet.

The female had to move quickly and quietly, if he knew she was planning something he would reach for the door in no time.

???: "Listen, I don't know why you're here, but I'm sure your lost. Nobody comes here."

Then why are you here? She wanted to say, but bit back saying anything to aggravate him. Something else crossed her mind, he was right about not knowing why she was here or anything about her for that matter. In a way she had the upper hand here when it came to information on the other.

Whoever was on the other side of this door didn't even know her own gender. As far as she could tell that door was the only thing separating her and the anonymous hound. There was a window, but it had glass fragments shattered on the floor and the gap were it was broken had sharp chips sticking out. Getting into and out of it now would require a visit to th hospital afterwards. Whoever smash through it initially was dangerous enough.

???: "I can help you."

Ignoring his request, she returned to her scheme. Skye decided to follow through and moved from her current position to a crawl. Silently she soon appoached the key hole, the image of the criminal was now permantely printed in her brain from staring at the miscreant's illustration too much. Someone so terrifying and life threatening is hard to forget.

It'll be like a compare and contrast or a spot the difference, she told herself, with the guy outside and the dangerous outlaw. Hopefully they're complete opposites of each other.

???: "You can at least talk to me." He persisted.

At this the Cockapoo rolled her eyes and continued to exacute her plan. But then, her heart froze and she stopped dead in her tracks. Her worst fear at the moment, the doorknob started moving. Since she was already at the hole by now, she may as well take a glimpse so she did and she couldn't believe her eyes.

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