Fox in the Heather

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Bakugou didn't see much of that familiar looking redhead for the next few weeks. Other than that time in the shower, when he had quickly grabbed his things and ducked put of the bathroom so fast that Bakugou swore he broke the sound barrier, he hadn't seen him since he got sick.
Which sucked, because he had left his necklace behind in the bathroom. It was a thick chain that had a little Crimson Riot logo charm on it. It probably wasn't expensive, it was a bit tarnished after all, but Crimson Riot was the kind of thing that not a whole lot of people got obsessed with. Finding merch would be hard, which meant this necklace must be important to Shitty Hair. He it had to get back to him somehow.
He told himself that THAT was the reason he was so eager to see the redhead again. It wasn't because he made his gaydar ding like a doorbell when the Jehovahs Witnesses stop by, or because he wanted to figure out where he knew him from. He just wanted to return the necklace.
That was all.
But where DID he know him from? The pink haired girl said they had gone to middle school together, which meant Shitty Hair had gone to school with him, but he didn't remember anybody like that.
Of course...this was college. People grow, their faces change, voices crack, body's grow.
And that red just wasn't a natural hair colour.
He considered asking Sero if Shitty Hair had dropped out, or for his number or something, but he didn't want to seem like he cared.
Because he didn't.
He just wanted the necklace back in the hands of its rightful owner.
In early October, Bakugou finally got his chance.
Pikachu knocked on the door when Sero wasn't around and he was the one to open it.
" Sero here?" Pika asked, blinking.
"No. What do you want?"
"Me and Kiri were gunna go out for pizza..."
"Yes, I'll come with you."
"We're splitting on it."
"Great. I'll grab my things."
Pikachu looked like he was about to be murdered. Bakugou grabbed his wallet, and the necklace from his desk, stepping out of the room without awaiting a welcome.
Pikachu shrugged, heading back to his own room with Bakugou in tow, opening it up and stepping inside.
It was...somehow exactly what the blond expected from the redhead. So many Crimson Riot posters and figures much red. There were Dumbbells and gym shorts lying around and a yoga mat stretched out along the floor by the bed. This guy's entire personality was just right here in plain view. He had no secrets.
"So...I didn't get Sero..." Pikachu admitted. Shitty hair looked up from his desk, eyes widening in shock. He looked absolutely terrified. Bakugou couldn't figure out why.
"You don't seem very eager. You were starving a few minutes ago." Pikachu laughed.
"Y-yeah but..."
"C'mon. Let's go." Bakugou urged. "I want to get some pizza in me."
And he wanted to give the necklace back.

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