Ooh Love

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"You little shit!" Bakugou's fist slammed into Mineta's squishy face, wiping that smug look off his face. "Why would you do that to somebody?! What did that kid do to you?" His fist connected again, this time with Mineta's stomach. So many people had laughed at that poor kid, to the point of him leaving the gym in tears.
Sure, Bakugou was a little weirded out by the fact that he had porn written about him, but he was more pissed at this little Grapefuck for reading it out loud for the entire school to hear.
And, like always with Katsuki, rage won out against embarrassment and now he was out in the school parking lot, giving this tiny shit a piece of his god damn mind.
"Do you think it's funny?" He pushed the fucker to the ground, kicking him over and over. "Do you think it's funny to fuck with somebody's life like that?!"
"What's going on here?" Bakugou felt arms wrap around him, pulling him away from the bloody mess he had made.
"Bakugou, calm down." Their history teacher pulled him further and further away from the scene.

Since it was the end of the year, they couldn't suspend him. They kept him on house arrest for the summer instead.
From what he heard, Mineta ended up in the hospital but would be better in six weeks.
He had gotten away with less punishment than Bakugou had for paying him back.
Bakugou had lost his whole summer. He couldn't even leave the house to see how Eijirou was doing.
And he wanted to. He didn't know why, but he wanted to visit Eijirou, to tell him that he didn't care about all that weird porn stuff...that maybe some of the things in those stories...sounded pretty good to him.
Being under house arrest for the summer, with no access to the Internet, really gave him time to think. He wondered if...maybe...he was gay...
He hadn't felt anything toward girls, after all, especially not what he was feeling for Eijirou right now.
He made himself a tiny oath. As soon as school started again, as soon as he was free to leave the house, as soon as he saw Eijirou again, he would ask him out. If the dumbass was writing THAT kind of stuff about Bakugou, then surely he couldn't say he wasn't attracted to him.
Unfortunately, when school started again, he was met with some bad news.
"He moved away." Mina stated when Deku asked where he was.
"Oh no! This wasn't because of the..."
"No. His mom just transferred for work." Mina assured them all. But Bakugou, as bad as he was at reading people, knew she was lying.
Throughout the year, he kept listening for talk on Eijirou's location, but as time passed, he slowly left everybody's minds.
Even his own.
It wasn't a surprise that Bakugou didn't recognize Kirishima when they first say each other again. He always lowered his eyes, and his looks had changed so much; his voice too. And since then, Bakugou had grown so much that he had forgotten about the boy he had fallen for back in the summer of 9th grade.
But he wouldn't let himself forget this time.

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