Chapter 1

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This is my first fan fiction and the start is so shit omg pls keep reading it gets better I swear


Amy's POV

We pulled up in front of our new house. There was no turning back.

7 hours from my old home, I had no hope of returning.

My mum shuts off the engine and opens the door.

"WE'RE HERE" she cries, like a three year old.

I give her a weak smile and pull my bags out of the car.

The house was a lot bigger than my old house, two stories with a pool and two balconies.

I stood there staring at the house for what only seamed like a minute, when my brother Jayden called out from an open window,

"Amy come pick your room!"

I sigh and drag my bag up the stairs and and walk into the first room I see.

The room was pretty big. It had a double bed in the corner, a couch against the wall and a desk next to a huge closet.

I open my bag and start unpacking when I hear voices from outside.

"So you just kick it right?" I hear a foreign accent ask.

I get up and make my way towards the balcony door, and I see two boys, maybe 18.

There're in their front yard throwing a basketball around.

They look up and see me. The one with dark brown hair smiles and waves.

I wave back and walk inside and continue unpacking

I keep hearing the occasional laugh or scream as I throw stuff into my cupboard.

When I'm finally done I change into sweat pants and a tank top and make my way to the bathroom.

I wash off my makeup and take out my contacts and swap them for my glasses. I tie my hair up into a messy bun and walk downstairs.

Jack Gilinsky's POV

"JACK" my mom screams from two rooms away.

"WHAATT" I scream as I walk down the hall to find her


" I'm right here mom" I cut her off

"Oh, we have new neighbours, go introduce yourself" she tells me.

"Right now?" I question. Jack was here and we were doing stuff

"Yes right now Jack!"

"UGHHHH" I groan

"They have a daughter your age" she states, raising her eye brows.

"JACK" I scream, excited




"Have you boys ever heard of this thing, it's called not yelling" she smirks. obviously please with her joke.

"You can't talk" I fire back

"GO" she insists

"What happened to not yelling?" I laughed, walking out the front door with Jack.

"Dibs" jack says

"What?" I ask. Dibs on what?

"Dibs" he repeats

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