Chapter 4

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"Oh, so the next thing on the list is crocs" Says Finn "Oh, so like the animal that lives in the sewer?" Asked Mater "NO YOU SKET" Finn yelled loud enough that people across the street could hear. "DAD GUM Where are these crocs then?" Asked Mater. "I know A GREAT place to get crocs, follow me." He said and began to walk.

Meanwhile, Sid was watching from afar. "EH-EH-EH-EH-EH, look at those LOSERS, LOOKING FOR THEIR loser CROCS."-MIGHT AS WELL STOP THEM!" He said and continued to follow from a safe distance.They soon made it to a store called 'Ross dress for less' and began searching for some crocs. "DAD GUM, They have Uggs too, that's another item on our list" Mater exclaimed. "Yeeahhh, but it says they're sold out. but don't worry, I have some white friends we can steal some from later." Said Finn. "DAD GUM alright, well let's just get what we came here for and leave, this place gives me poor people vibes." Mater said and they walked to the check out area with a magically green pair of crocs. "WE WOULD LIKE TO BUY THESE MAGICALLY GREEN PAIR OF CROCS, MA'AM." Said Finn. "Okay that that would be about-" The lady cut herself off and began to scream and flail her arms around to which Finn and Mater ran out of the store, scared and confused. "EH-EH-EH-EH-EH TIME 2 STEAL DA CROCS!" Sid tip toed behind them, Mater turns round to see Sid and yells. "SWIPER NO SWI-" But before he could finish, Sid takes the crocs. "YOU AIN'T GOT TIME TO SAY IT THREE TIMES!!" Sid says and runs away screeching.

A very expensive and douchie car pulls into the Ross parking lot, it looked very out of place. It pulled up and rolled its window down. "Do you twerps need help catching that naked freak that just ran down the street?" The man in the car asked with a Italian accent. "DAD GUM, how did you know th-" Before Mater could finish, Finn covered his mouth. "Uhh, yeah we would." He then leaned into Mater's ear and whispered; "Don't question Italian intelligence."

They get into the car and the mysterious Italian man starts to speed down the street. "DAD GUM, AREN'T WE GOING A LITTLE TOO FAST?" Mater attempted to yell over the loud roar of the engine. "NOT AT ALL, YOUNG ONE." The man replied as-a-matter-of-factly. They soon caught up to Sid, not really knowing what else to do, they straight up ram the car into the son of a bitch. They get out of the car, and look at Sid's mangled body, he was out fucking cold. The strange man got back into his car and drove off before Mater and Finn could thank or yell at him for running this poor drunk man over.

"OH GOD WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?! WE JUST KILLED HIM- OH MY GOD DAD GUM DADDY GU-" Finn covered Mater's mouth. "Just grab the crocs and let's go. You're making a scene, just remember who you're doing this for." Mater sighed, Finn was right. In the end when [Your name] comes back, all the sacrifices will be worth it. He picked the crocs up, wiped Sid's blood off of them and the pair walked into the sunset.

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