Chapter 4

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-knock on door-

Me: -opens door- Oh, thank you for coming over so quickly! :O

Thor: -rushes in- You said there was a problem?

Me: Yeah I think that do you have a vacuum cleaner?

Thor: This isn't just any ol' vacuum cleaner, this is a replica from Ghostbusters! :'D

Me: And you brought it with you because..? ^^"

Thor: I dunno, you weren't specific on the phone :3

Me: -chuckles- Ok xD Well the problem was that I think something's up with Alvin.

Thor: Isn't that always the case?

Me: Yeah I know, but this one's a biggie.

Thor: Oh?

Me: I don't think he IS Alvin ^^'

Thor: OK, that's a new one o: Did he do something beyond belief or?

Me: I wish I could say no, but unfortunately, I think he just might have =/

Thor: -sits on couch- Explain.

Me: This morning he seemed OK and all was hunky dory, but then this afternoon..

Theodore: Are you sure this is your BEST idea, Mitch? <=.

Mitch: -hides under covers- Just tell her I got the sniffles or a fever or the Black Plague!

Theodore: But won't she try to give you cough syrup or something?

Mitch: o.o' OK, just say I'm not feeling well!

Theodore: Then she'll ask what's wrong o:

Mitch: -sits up- THEN TELL HER I'M TAKING A NAP. Geez, Theodore, get creative!!

Theodore: You're just uptight because you're feeling guilty! >:c

Mitch: Excuse me, I am not feeling 'guilty', I am under pressure. There is a difference. >.> And now I don't have Simon to back me up either, I'm really in a pickle! -hides back under covers-

Theodore: -sits on floor- I can try to copy Alvin's voice if you'd like.

Mitch: Yeah sure whatever, just make them leave me alone.

Thor: Sounds like a pretty unusual scheme he's been pulling. But are you even sure that any of this is true?

Me: No, I'm not. That's why I need your help. c:

Thor: Shoot.

Me: ..;n; I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was such an inconvenience to--

Thor: No, no! -laughs- I meant, shoot. Like, tell me what you need ^^

Me: Oh duh o3o -clears throat- I need to make us somehow make him slipup and confess he's not Alvin. Or at least make it sound a little obvious.

Thor: Did you have an idea in mind?

Me: ..see that's where YOU come in! :'D

Thor: -chuckles- Well I do have a thought.. ;)

Theodore: -pauses- Hey, you wanna play 20 questions? :'D

Mitch: -sighs- Sure, while I can still breathe under these sheets.

Theodore: Think of something? :3

Mitch: Mm.

Theodore: Is it an animal?

Mitch: No.

Theodore: Is it a person?

Mitch: Uh uh.

Theodore: Is it something you can hold?

Mitch: Yup.

Theodore: How big is it? o:

Mitch: I'll give you a hint. It's big and sharp and I'm nearly wanting to shove it in your face right about now -.-

Theodore: it a wheel of cheddar? :'D

-knock on door-

Theodore: -gasps- Um, who is it? o:>

Me: -on other side of door- Its just us, Theo, may we come in?

Mitch: -whispers- Tell them I'm sleeping!

Theodore: -in Alvin's voice- I'm sleeping!!

Mitch: -facepalm- Tell them in your voice, Theodore.

Theodore: -in Alvin's voice- In your voice, Theodore!

Mitch: -.- Alvin sounds nothing like that, by the way.

Me: -taps on door- You guys OK?

Mitch: Yeah, sure, come in.

Me: -opens door- Everyone doin' alright?

Mitch: -pops head out- I was until y'all woke me up.

Me: Aw, sorry about that c: It's just that we have a visitor you might be interested in seeing.

Thor: -walks in- Hey guys ;u;

Theodore: Hi, Thor! :'D

Mitch: -shoots straight up- OH MY FREAKING GOSH, HE HAS A VACUUM D':

Thor: Ghostbusters~

Me: Alvin, you remember Thor, don't you? ^^

Mitch: Uh...d-didn't you have a hammer or something..?

Thor: -laughs- You're a hoot, Alvin xD Come on, we've known each other for years!

Mitch: o.o' Uhh..

Theodore: Did ya need us for something? :3

Thor: I just felt like reuniting with mah buds! :'D

Mitch: Eheh..s-sound fun and all but I'm really beat, I'm gonna take a nap I think ^^'

Me: Alvin! You can't sleep with guests over, that's excessively rude! >:c

Mitch: But..but D:

Me: Come on, we're all gonna go out and play with our RC cars.

Theodore: OOH YAY! :'D -takes off-

Mitch: What's so fun about that? o.O

Thor: Don't you remember? You two get to be on top of them! ^^

Mitch: O.O' Oh crap..

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