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a merry hello, everyone :')

i. this is a short junbob story of mine which I've had on ao3 for a...month?...and I wondered, why not put it on here?

ii. the alternative title for this is 'of crop tops and god complexes' but I like concise titles for wattpad so I decided to rename it 'adore you' because oh my god that song fits really well with the theme of this story

iii. something that you have to know but you'll realise it anyway is that there are time skips between each chapter, it's a progressive story

iv. this is dedicated to the darling 13cmKONIC because she deserves the world and a very own junbob story just for her

anyway now that the admin's done, I hope you like this! thank you for your time <33

- bin

Adore You - JunbobWhere stories live. Discover now