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Namjoon's POV

We ended up not doing anything the next day unlike we'd promised Yoongi's mom and she'd been angry when she'd found out. Yoongi was forced by her to go look at tuxes so I found myself in need of someone to go pick out the cake with.

I called Tae, who was more than happy to come with me to try out cake samples.

I picked him up from his house and he smiled when he saw me.

"Joonie, I missed you," he said as he hugged me. It'd been a while since we'd been able to hang out. I had been busy with work and school and now that I had been on break I had focused on things for the wedding.

"Me too Tae," I said as I squeezed his small body tightly. "Ready to eat cake?"

"Yea!" he said excitedly with a childlike tone.

We drove over to the bakery that Yoongi's mom had told me to go. It was extravagant as expected and smelled heavenly.

I got coffee and Tae got hot chocolate while we waited for the cake samples.

"Are you excited?" Tae asked with a cute smile.

"Gosh," I said smiling back at him, "I can't wait."

"So cute!" Tae's eyes were so warm and kind. I had missed them. "My Joonie and my Yoongi getting married." He held his hand to his heart. "Feels like my parents are getting married or something."

I smiled at his cuteness. "I love you so much Tae," I said randomly because my heart was bursting in love and appreciation for him.

His eyes looked overwhelmed with emotion. "I love you too Joonie. I'm so happy you're getting married and that you're going to have the big, beautiful wedding you deserve."

"Me too," I said.

It felt so nice to be reunited with Tae. His sweetness was something that I'd missed so much.

The cake samples finally arrived, and we started tasting right away.

"Oh my god Joonie!" Tae said with a mouthful of cake in his mouth and a big smile. "This one!"

I tasted it. "I don't think Yoongi would like this," I said. "But fuck, it's good."

Tae had moved on to another one. "This one!" he said. "This one for sure!"

It went on like that. The one that was it was suddenly trash and a new one was found to be the perfect one.

"Damn, this rich people bakery is fucking good," I said as I took another taste of the final three we were deciding between.

"Fuck yes, I love rich people shit," Tae said as he practically moaned as he ate the cake.

"This one," I said. It has to be this one.

Tae pouted. "But this one has chocolate in it."

"You can get different flavors for each layer," the lady who was helping us said with a smile.

I smiled back. "Okay these two then."

We left the bakery with our bellies satisfied and with the task done.

"What should we do now?" I asked Tae. "I don't want to go back home and just be on my own."

Tae smiled. "I don't want to go home either. Let's spend the day together!"

I nodded and smiled back. We got back in the car and started driving.

We ended up at the mall. We weren't looking for anything in particular, so we just looked around while talking.

"How are things with you and Hoseok?" I asked.

His face lit up. "Great! We went to the beach yesterday." He was glowing with excitement as he told me how they'd spend their day together.

It made me happy to see him look so genuinely pleased with things. Tae deserved to look like this all the time.

He walked with a bounce to his step. He looked like a hyperactive kid who was overjoyed with everything.

"Joonie," Tae said as he tried to contain his excitement.

"Yes Tae?" I asked with a big smile. His happiness was infectious.

"I'm going back to college," he said with the cutest little smile.

I let out a breath and a smile at hearing his words. "That's so good to hear Tae. I was really worried that you had given up. I'm so proud of you for making that choice." I pulled him into a side hug as we walked.

He looked like he was shining with happiness at my reaction. "Thank you Joonie."

"You're going to be an amazing teacher Tae. I can already see it. You'll be one of the ones that really care and make a difference."

Tae gave me a big smile. "You really think so?"

"I know so Tae. Teachers are so important you know. My years teaching have taught me how important it is for these kids to have someone who genuinely cares. You're gonna love it Tae. It's so rewarding when you know you helped them."

Tae's eyes looked dreamy as he heard my words. "That sounds so nice, "he said.

I smiled at him and gave his shoulder a squeeze.

"Namjoon, I know we just ate a lot of cake not that long ago, but I'm hungry," Tae said patting his tummy with a small pout.

I let out a small laugh. I swear this bitch was cuter than he realized. "What do you want to eat?"

He gave me smile and tilted his head to the side.

"Panda express?" I asked and laughed as he nodded with his boxy smile.

"Okay sweetie, whatever you want."

He giggled. "Yes!"

"Can I adopt you?" I asked in a half serious tone.

He nodded. "Yes! I need a daddy." He quickly got red. "That sounded wrong, that's not what I meant," he quickly said while I laughed. "I meant like a dad since I don't have a dad, just the guy who gave me life, but like he's a piece of shit and I kinda hate him, and I was just saying that since you were gonna adopt me you would be my dad. And you know sometimes you call a dad a daddy like in a cute way. Not like in a yes daddy, but like you know what I mean right?"

I kept laughing as he rambled on.

He stared at me with embarrassment. "Don't laugh Joonie."

I forced myself to stop and smiled at him. "You're cute Tae. Yoongi and I can be your daddies."

Tae still looked embarrassed as I squeezed his cute little cheeks and cooed while he pouted.

"Don't tease me," he grumbled.

"Alright," I said as I smiled at him. "Let's go get some food for my baby boy."

Tae gave me a glare. "Joon!"

I laughed. "What?"

He tried to keep on glaring at me, but he quickly started laughing too. 

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