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Jimin's POV

It had been a week. A week! A whole fucking week without a sign of where Tae was or of where he could have gone.

I'd even managed to contact Jungkook and he didn't know either and now I had one more person messaging me constantly, wondering if I'd found anything.

I let the guilt eat at me and I felt so frustrated and scared and hopeless.

After looking everywhere I possibly could, I started to try to think of literally anywhere that he could be.

It occurred to me that I had never considered his parents. I mean why would he go there? But...

It didn't hurt to try right?

I drove over to their home and just stayed there parked for a while. I wasn't sure how I would even go in there and ask for Tae. I hadn't even lived through the things that Tae did with these people, yet I still felt dread at seeing them.

I reluctantly got off and knocked on the door.

A tired looking woman stepped out. She wasn't the same woman I knew from my childhood. She was covered in wrinkles and she looked worn out. She had a cigarette in one hand and an annoyed looked.

"Um, hello, Mrs. Kim, I'm here because, I, um, I wanted to know if, uh-"

"You're Taehyung's little friend, right? The one that got me and my husband in trouble with the cops?"

I swallowed nervously. "Uh, yea..."

She glared at me. "He's not here."

I looked down. Dammit. Although I didn't want him to be in this shit hole, I just wished I knew where he was.

"Sorry to bother you," I said as I turned to walk away.

"He'll be back soon," she suddenly said.

I turned to look at her with wide eyes. "He was here earlier?"

She nodded. "Got here yesterday. No money, no nothing. Told him he'd have to find a way to make money. He left to talk to someone. Said he'd be back to make something to eat. Gotta say, I had forgotten that he's good at keeping the house in order."

I felt a little better knowing that I'd see him soon. "Who was he going to talk to?"

"Some guy that helps sluts like him sell their bodies."

My eyes widened. "What?!"

She rolled her eyes. "Look kid, just because you came from money don't make you entitled to judge. It's a job. Besides Tae gets a place to stay at. Works out just fine."

I felt sick. Tae was even worse off than I thought.

"Look kid, I hope you don't think this information was free," she said as she outstretched her hand.

I scoffed but took out my wallet regardless and hander her money.

"I'll just wait out here for Tae," I said.

"Whatever," she said as she closed the door.

I walked over to sit in my car with my shoulders slumped and my heart heavy.

An hour later a car came over and stopped. Tae got off and as soon as I saw him I got out of my car too and ran to him.

He was startled as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him while I cried.

"I'm so sorry Tae, I'm so sorry. So sorry. Please forgive me, Tae. I'm so sorry," I said as I cried.

His arms slowly wrapped around me too.

I let go enough to pull him towards my car.

"What are you doing?" Tae asked.

I looked back at him. "What do you mean? I'm getting you out of here Tae. Come on," I said. Tae resisted which caused me to stop and look at him. "What's wrong Tae?"

"I'm staying here," Tae said.

I looked at him in confusion. "What? Why?"

"I don't have anywhere to go."

"You can stay with me."

Tae shook his head. "No, I don't want to be a bother to you."

"What are you saying? You're no bother to me Tae, I've been scared this whole time that you were gone. I missed you," I said with a sad voice.

"No, you're too nice Jimin. It's okay, I'm staying here. Don't worry anymore, I'm fine."

I shook my head. "You're not fine Tae. How can you say that? Your mom told me you're trying to sell your body? Tae, please don't do that." I looked at him pleadingly.

"Jimin, it's okay. I'm going to stay here."

I looked down and let out my tears. "Tae, I shouldn't have said those things. I betrayed you and I know you probably feel like you can't count on me, but please, I'm sorry. Forgive me and go with me. Please," I begged while looking up at him and reaching out to hold his hand.

Tae's eyes were watery as he shook his head.

"Tae, come on," I said as I held on to his shaking hands. "We're all worried. Hoseok and Jungkook are worried too."

Tae stilled at the mention of their names.

"I don't want to bother anyone Jimin. I'm staying here. Please respect my decision."

I felt defeated by his words. I knew I couldn't drag him into my car and drive away with him like I wanted too. "Please," I said softly.

"I said no Jimin," Tae said in a voice much colder than I was used to.

"Well then at least please don't sell your body Tae. I'll give you money so you won't have to. I'll go to the bank right now since I don't have much cash on me and so you don't have to do that. Or how about I pay for you to stay at a hotel or something, or maybe-"

"Jimin," Tae said. "I'm not taking your money."

"Why not Tae? Please accept my help. It's the least I could do."

He looked down without a word.

"Hobi said you can keep your car and your clothes," I said after a while. "I can bring it for you tomorrow if you want."

Tae shook his head. "That's not my stuff."

"Tae, please don't be like this."

"Jimin, I need to go make my mother something to eat."

I felt myself shoulders shake as I cried. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. I felt so guilty. I fucked up so bad.

"Jimin," Tae said as he touched my shoulder. "Please don't cry."

"Well then let me help you Tae. I feel so bad," I said.

Tae sighed. "Fine. You can do one thing only, but I'm staying here and I'm not taking any of Hobi's stuff back."

I nodded with a smile. "Yes, thank you. That's better than nothing. I'll go to the bank right now."

Tae looked sad, but I felt a bit better as I drove over to get some money.

I handed the money to his mom.

"This should be enough for Tae to stay here," I said.

She smiled as she counted the money. "That's perfect. Feel free to stop by whenever you want doll," she said as she closed the door on me.

Tae hadn't come out again, but at least I had seen him earlier.

I drove back to my apartment with guilt and pain. I called Hobi and Jungkook to tell them I'd found Tae.

Hobi was relived but Jungkook was angry that I'd let him stay there.

When I got home I just fell down on my bed and let the mental exhaustion take over and just fell asleep with guilt in my heart. 

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