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"Always keep your shoulders squared, always be battle ready," Clarisse called out to the group of younger campers in front of her, demonstrating with her sword what she was explaining. "You have to stay on your toes and be prepared to defend yourself. Defense strategy will win you a fight, you just have to throw off your opponents offensive strike."

I watched from a few feet away, leaning against a tree. The campers followed Clarisse's movements, copying her as they moved their swords.

"Clarisse preparing them for battle, quite the choice," I turned my head, my mother walking up to my side. I couldn't help the snort I let out, turning back to watch Clarisse.

"No one better to teach them to defend themselves and fight than the daughter of the God of war," I confessed, looking over to my mother. She turned to look at me, a small smile on her face. "How are the others doing?"

"Annabeth and her siblings are speaking to Chiron and Dionysus, going over possible strategies for reinforcing certain structures around the camp. Annabeth also had an idea for creating areas in and around the outside of camp, walls and such that campers can use to defend themselves with,"

"She's a smart girl," my mother grinned at me as I returned her grin, glancing back at Clarisse and the campers following her. "I can't believe it only took a few hours for everyone to get prepared and get to work."

"They're all about to be part of a prophecy," Artemis looked out over the campers, examining their movements. I watched her as she spoke. "Most half-bloods never get the chance to go on a quest, most don't receive a prophecy. They have that chance now to be part of something bigger than themselves. They'll do what needs to be done."

"I just wish it didn't involve them risking their lives," I whispered. My mother looked down at me, turning away from Clarisse and motioning for me to follow alongside her. I raised an eyebrow, but walked with her regardless.

We walked through the camp. Campers were busy moving about, getting everything prepared. There were ones by the armory, sharpening swords while the Hephaestus children welded new armor for everyone. We passed Percy and Thalia, who were assisting the hunters of Artemis in the clean up of the destruction from just hours before from Sadie, with Arrow at their side helping.

"Every one of these people you see understands what is about to happen," my mother never looking over at me once, only gesturing around as we walked through the camp. "They understand the consequences that come with being a demi-god, the ones that they don't get a say in. Each and every single half-blood here understands the danger they are walking themselves into. They have made their choice."

"But what if that means they have to sacrifice themselves?" my mother stopped in her tracks, looking over at me.

"Sacrifices are part of this word, it's something we must accept," she looked down at her hands, rubbing them together for a second before looking back up at me. "Even your father knew the dangers of this world, but he made his choice. He decided that he wanted to have a child with me, that he wanted to create you. Matthew knew the consequences that come with being involved in our world, and yet he accepted it. While he didn't plan to sacrifice himself, he did. My love did not die in vain, he used his death to rally you, to show you that you could do this."

My mother reached out a hand, stroking my cheek lightly. I close my eyes, leaning in to her touch. I wanted to savor every second that I got to spend with her, as many demi-gods didn't get this kind of time with their godly parent.

"He told me to do whatever I have to do," I confessed to my mother, looking up at her. She looked down at me, her gaze never wavering. "But what if what I have to do, ends up hurting the people I'm supposed to protect?"

"You mean Percy, don't you?"

"I mean everyone. Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Arrow, even you mom," she gave me a sad smile as I shook my head. "If I'm right, then you'll all just end up hurt in the end."

"Then why don't you tell us all what you are thinking? Why don't you explain, so we can help you?"

"Because if I tell you, you're all going to try to stop it," my mother cocked her head, and I sighed. "If I'm right, then I don't want it to happen, but if this is what's supposed to happen and it stops more people from getting hurt, then I have to do it. If you all try to interfere and keep it from happening, then more of you might get hurt along the way."

My mother smiled, leaning forward and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"That, my love, is called a sacrifice. You do whatever it is that you have to do. I, along with everyone here, will stand behind your decisions."

I lunged forward, enveloping my mother in a hug. She seemed startled at first, before hugging me back just as tightly.


My mother and I released one another, turning to see Annabeth walking down the hill toward us.

"What's up, Anna?"

"I think we finally decided on the plans for reinforcing structures, want to come take a look?"

"Yes, of course,"

My mother squeezed my shoulder one last time as I went to stand by Annabeth. She then turned to Annabeth, nodding her head at her.

"Luna is lucky to have you as her best friend, Annabeth Chase,"

"With all due respect, Artemis, she's not my best friend," Annabeth said, turning to me with a grin. "she's my sister."

I grinned back at Annabeth as my mother bid us farewell, getting swept away by her hunters for a meeting about something. Annabeth threw an arm around my shoulders, turning me away and back toward the direction of the Big House.


"Hey, I wasn't lying!"

"Does this mean you aren't mad at me for keeping the secret about my prophecy beginning?"

"I call it even now, since I didn't tell you I was in love with your boyfriend,"

Annabeth winked at me, running off toward the Big House as I stopped in my tracks, eyes wide as I looked at her.

"Anna, I don't think those are the same thing!"

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