Demons (multiple bands)

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-Warning: Possession, blood, suicide attempt, and a few more, but I can't think of them rn.-

*Ben's PROV*
My band mates and I were heading to warped tour in our bus for the last time. There were other tour buses ahead and behind us. It's such a shame that it ended so quickly (*cries*). Patty was reading on the couch. Foley was playing a game on his phone, also complained that there was no cell signal. Andy was upside down on the couch trying to get Patty's attention. Alistair was driving. I'm just in my bunk bored out of my mind.

"Guys, we just entered a ghost town." Alistair announced.

"Spooookkkkyyyyy." Patty spoke with a weird voice, almost mockingly.

"Oh that get's your attention, but I don't." Andy laughed.

"Yeah, you're just boring." Patty sassed back.

"Bitch." Andy muttered.

"Fuck!" Alistair shouted and suddenly he drove off the road a bit, everything on the bus fell over including us.

"Is everyone okay?" Alistair asked.

"Yeah." We a called in unison.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I think someone ahead of us crashed or something. The buses just stopped out of no where." Alistair explained.

"I think we should check up on them." Andy piped in.

"Yeah." Foley agreed.

We all got off the bus along with the other bands to see what happened. We saw that Waterparks and the Palaye Royale bus crashed into each other, apparently the Waterparks bus malfunctioned causing it to stop all of the sudden. No one was badly hurt so that was a relief. But when we went back to the buses none of them worked. Patty checked was trying to fix the bus as he's the only one who knows about mechanics in the band, he kept screaming that it didn't make sense for it not to work.

"Guys, the bus is in perfect shape. Why isn't it working?!" Patty yelled in frustration.

"It's the same over here." Ben Barlow called.

"Same." Johnny Braddock exclaimed.

"Guys, this is a ghost town." Nicholas Matthews reminded us.

"So?" Awsten moves his hands in circles as if telling him to continue.

"Don't you think it's a little suspicious that most of the buses are in shape yet they won't work?" Nicholas did have a good point.

"We're so screwed." Awsten cried.

"Guys, we have to keep moving. We're in the middle of nowhere. No one's coming for us." Chris Motionless advised.

"And go where?" Joel Birch mocked.

"Maybe we can try and carry important essentials with us and keep walking?" Emerson Barrett suggested.

"Okay." We all agreed.

We all grabbed what we needed and started walking down the road. Some of us were talking, others were quiet as a mouse. It was getting dark and the stars were bright. We decided to stop at an abandoned building and sleep there. I know it wasn't the brightest decision but we didn't know what was lurking in the dark. We all stank like hell but no one said anything about it. Now we're trying to sleep, Nicholas agreed to stay awake on guard in case something happened.

"AHHHHH!" We heard Nick scream and fall over.

"NICK!" Johnny screamed and rushed to his side. Nick's eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body was convulsing.

As It Is- OneShots (Patty x Ben)Where stories live. Discover now