Sleep over

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       Adoras P.O.V

Its been a couple of hours since the attack on Bright moon and the princess have gone back to their kingdoms. Hopefully we can remake the princess alliance once again but it will never be the same......

"EARTH TO ADORA" Glimmer yelled. "AHh" I jumped "Oh sorry Glimmer I kinda zoned out.... anyway what where you saying?" "Oh I-i was just wondering if you wanted have a sleep over j-just you and me?" Glimmer asked. "Yess!" I exclaimed.

Suddenly I felt this weird warm feeling in my heart and every time I see Glimmer smile like that it's happens wait what do I like her .... no we're just friends.

Glimmers P.O.V

Straight after Adora said yes I felt my heart get so much faster and warmer just when ever I'm around her I feel like this. Could I be developing feeling for her?

(Time skip 2 hours later in Glimmers room)

"Wow I didn't know how much the horde was like a family to you," I said sadly "yeah they were but I always felt like something was missing... but here everyone cares they have feeling and want to do the right thing they actually care for each other instead of using others for their own personal problems... so no matter what happens this place will always be home to me," Adora said as tears stared flowing down both are checks.

I don't know why but I hated to see her sad so I teleported to her giving her a massive hug. Suddenly I felt my checks turning red. Oh no what happens if she sees them and think I have a crush on her or I like her.... wait so I ughhhh I don't know. All I knew was that I never wanted to let go of her.

After a couple of minutes of crying and hugging we finally let go and just stared at each other awkwardly. Finally I broke the silence asking "it's getting pretty late do you want to share my bed tonight?" "Yeah sure oh and by the way don't worry I'll protect you from those evil bed bugs," she replied as we both started laughing.

I quickly grabbed on to Adora and teleported to my bed. Straight after I could feel my self dozing off.

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