Admitting the truth

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Glimmer P.O.V

As I opened my eyes I saw Adoras arms wrapped around me saying nothing just staring at each other all I wanted to do was kiss her but I knew I couldn't. After a minute or two of staring Bow broke the silence "um so maybe we should head back to the castle it's getting late," "yeah we should," I replied as I got out of Adoras grip. And we all started walking back while talking about possible missions and stuff like that.

Adoras P.O.V

As we started walking I felt a weird urge to hold Glimmers hand why do I keep getting these weird feelings? Wait do I like Glimmer no I d-d-don't why did I stutter I do like her don't I?

Finally we arrive back at the castle and I quickly ran to my room after making up that I was tired so I go be alone. It's not like I don't want to be around them especially Glimmer but I don't want her finding out I like her because she won't feel the same way.

I sigh and decided to get some sleep and clear my thoughts.

Glimmer P.O.V

I decided to go check on Adora to see if she wanted food or anything. As I teleported in her room I started to hear her adorable snore wait what am I saying I guess no I know I do like Adora but should I tell her?

Sorry this is so short I didn't know what else to write the next one will be longer I promise.

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