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The day went by as any other, go to work at a cozy Caffè and pretend to not hate your life while serving people mediocre coffe. For 8 hours a day.

The day went by as usual. The only difference is that he kept thinking of that Logan guy. The way his brown hair got the sliver glow and defining his curly locks. And the way you could see the reflection in the moon in his beautiful green eyes but they where hidden behind big round glasses that had a golden brim to them. And how his cheeks and nose turned a light shade of pink because of the cold winter air. And when when a gust of wind would throw his hair in all crazy directions but it still looked amazing.

"What you thinking about Krissy?" Samantha said while waving a hand in front of his face snapping him our of his thoughts. "Nothing, and don't call me that." The boy said while pouting his lips over dramatically at the older woman. Samantha just chuckled while drying off the counter and throwing the towel on her shoulder. "You should probably get to work before Steve finds out. If he knows your slacking you're gone." The woman said while resting a hand on kirs' shoulder. Samantha is like a mother to him, she knows everything. Sometimes even to much.

"Your shift is over Kris, you can go home now."

"Thanks Sam, I'll leave soon."

"Take you're time." Sam took the boys hands in her own and looked at him. She gave him a warm motherly smile.

Kris is scared like always. But Sam is behind him and she'll love it no matter what.
He walked over to the piano and started playing 'nuvole bianche' by 'Ludovico Einaudi' one of his personal favourites. He let the music fill his body and his fingers danced over they keys knowing exactly witch one to press at the perfect moment. Kris was insecure but when he was playing that all went away just like the notes when his finger left the key. He quite liked the croud that had slowly been gathering around him.

Once the song came to an end the boy considered playing another song but decided against it. Slowly getting off of the stool and grabbing his coat, saying bye to Samantha and leaving the Caffè. His mind was now cleared and he felt much better. Once he got home that day he sat on his couch and watched a movie and this ended up being quite a good day. He finally lost the thought of the breathtaking stranger.

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