A Minor Minotaur Miscommunication

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It was a typical lazy Saturday, at around 9:45 in the evening: you were lounging on your couch in your favorite pajamas, cup ramen in your hands, the occassional sound of your cats goofing off around the house, and a monster movie marathon playing on your living room tv. You took an eager bite of your fufilling dinner as the vampire on the screen grabs the beautiful, screaming dame—

"Agh, fuck!"

—and burned the fucking shit out of your mouth.

"Damn," you said, and set the styrofoam cup down on the coffee table. Your fingers slipped into your mouth, poking around at the damage. A knock at the door catches your attention.

Perhaps you were too distracted by the blister forming in your mouth to notice how strange it was to recieve a visitor so late— but whatever it was, you threw caution to the wind and opened the door. Your pointer-finger was still in your mouth when your eyes met a wall of long, khaki colored fur. Your eyes then traveled upwards to a set of nostrils like a yak's. The creature's face was hidden under more messy tan fur. Poised above a set of floppy dog ears were two sets of smooth sable horns that tapered up into sharp points. And below the ears were two little nubs of horns, poking out from the curve of the creature's jaw.

"Hrrrmm," the creature hummed a low baritone, as if about to say something. You stood there watching with wide eyes and a death grip on the door handle.

"Cen I pet yor tiddies?"

You blinked once.

"W-My... my what?"

The beast scratched behind it's huge horns, turning its head to the side a bit.

"Yor tiddies." It said softly.

"My tiddies?" You asked incredulously. Your jaw started to hang open.

"Mm... like," it pointed at your feet.


You looked down behind you and saw one of your cats sitting contently by the door mat, and coat hanger.

"Oohh, kitties," you corrected it.

The beast nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes! Cen I pet tem?" Its lips pulled up into a smile. You couldn't help but smile back at the sheer amount of cute radiating off of them.

"Sure," you sniggered.


A Minor Minotaur MiscommunicationWhere stories live. Discover now