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        The ground is hard beneath my bare feet, the rough path slicing through my bruised skin, but I keep running. The night is cool, stars winking above me, but it only pushes me forward. My heart pounds in my ears as I hear branches breaking and leaves swaying, knowing they're not far behind. I look ahead, searching for something to get them off my trail. The forest has always kept me safe, but now it's my prison, throwing everything it's got to keep me here. My stomach aches again, causing me to hold in a scream, my face flushed and sweaty. I grip it with all my strength, whispering to my round tummy, where my baby is waiting. "Shhhh, darling! Soon, just a bit longer."

The baby kicks then calms down. 'Well, she's got her father's attitude!' I chuckle at myself, a smile growing on my face. We would soon be together. Ahead, a fallen tree lays, the perfect way to lose them. I push on, but as I near, I see a silhouette of a boy, his eyes glowing in the darkness. 'No! Not here, not yet,' My mind whispers. 'We're so close.'

In a quick moment of desperation, I silently beg for passage from the wind. My hair whips back as the breeze picks up, throwing me over the boy and landing safely on the other side. I thank the spirits for their pity.

The cliff is in sight, water from the cove glittering in the moonlight. I use the rest of my strength to make it to the edge, pebbles tumbling down the forbidding rim. I stand staring at the rocks below, waiting for my pursuers. Thumps of feet and huffing breaths follow the Creed out of the trees, arrows notched and knives aimed. Their leader, a tall young man with thick brown hair and dark gray eyes, steps forward. "End of the line, love. Sorry that family didn' work o't," I looked over the edge, then turned back to them, smiling and resting my hand on my stomach. "No," I said, my eyes twinkling. "It's just beginning."

They stared, confused. I simply chuckled. "Better luck next time, boys! My ship has arrived."

I jump back, my feet leaving the cliff and free-falling through the air. Fear started to take control, but then a strong arm laced its way around my waist, right above the baby bulge. " 'Ello there, love," my husband, the beloved James, whispered into my ear, kissing my temple. With his other arm, he swung us back to his ship.

My feet hit the deck of the Jolly Roger, a smile playing on my lips. The crew cheered as I walk across her deck, the captain's arm remaining around my waist, rubbing my swollen tummy. We made it to the cabin, James softly shutting the door as I let my heart slow. "So..." He questions. "What did yeh dae, love?"

"Had a wee bit of a misunde' standin'." I mocked his beautiful accent. "Supposedly, I ran into their terr-" I stumbled, a yelp escaping my lips. James rushed over, lifting and gently laying me down on the bed. "You're- my-you- she-'' He spat out. I squeezed his wrist, nodding slowly. He caught his breath, then let it go. "Oh, m' sweet Mary Josefine, I'm- Imma be a father."

The window burst open and a swarm of fairies flew in, all tending to me and preparing for the baby, throwing James out.

A coo echos hours later, my daughter swaddled in a blanket, clean and happy, her thin black hair brushed to the side of her head. James finally came in, tears welling up in his eyes as he looked at our girl. "Sh-... she's beautiful, just like her mother." He whispered, a single tear falling into her hair. I felt mine start to slip, landing with his. The tears mixed, puffing up in a spark. Sky blue and emerald green swirled through the air around the baby, the colors of our eyes. She floated out of our arms, her sweet giggles filling the room. I looked at James, knowing we were thinking the same thing. "Her name..." "Will be..." "Evalyn..." "Morel..."

Evalyn fell asleep in her blanket, magic playfully floating her around the room. A soft tune echoes through the breeze, a tribal tune played on pipe flutes. I pull James towards me, curling up against his chest, slowly falling asleep.

I see a single ray of sun washing over our girl, then, from the other window, moonlight glows with the sun. She's asleep, but even I can feel her power coursing through the air. The very island vibrated with her heartbeat. I closed my eyes, letting my mind empty and fall into the bliss of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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