Vincent // Kim Taehyung

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He was the unknown. Yet all you've ever known. His name was Vincent, well not really. It was just a name that he used to stay anonymous in his artwork. He would leave you messages in the locker that would say things only you would understand. You didn't even know what he looked like, but damn. You fell in love.

You were in college with a major in art and music. Taking art classes, you learned to interpret art in ways never thought possible. There was a new student who apparently didn't want to show his face so he worked in the abandoned art room in the west wing of the school. Although he didn't 'show' up for class, his works were still featured at the end of the year art show like many of the other paintings. It was on this day that you first fell in love with him.

You had been really excited to go to the art show since two of your own works were being featured. You had already presented your own artwork so you decided to look around a bit before you left. Most of the art was copycat or their own interpretations of artwork that had been done previously. You counted that as lack of imagination, but whatever gets them passing. you turned a quick corner from the 'Mona Lisa' and there it was. The first painting of the puzzle. You walked up closer to see the individuals strokes to tell what kind of brush was used when the canvas fell. You stared in horror as the painting fell to the ground. In a rush of green and blue, it was on the floor.

"Shoot," you picked it up quickly, and replaced it on the easel where it has sat previously. You looked around to see if anybody had caught you when you noticed a piece of paper on the ground. Opening the folded slip to see if it was important, you could make out words addressing to a person. You decided to be nosy. It read:


Dear whoever is reading this,

I'm new and a bit lonely. I'm really shy and scared of meeting new people, so I thought of a way to make new friends. Hopefully, this works. Write your name down below and this is how we will communicate.

~Vincent (that's not my real name. Feel free to put a fake one as well)


You, of course, wrote your name down, putting it behind the easel as it was before. Vincent obviously got the note and that's where it all started. You started to exchange notes every day, placing them in the locker that was empty on the third floor. It was secretive and fun.

~Present Day~

You hurried down the hall throwing your books in your locker. You had eagerly awaited today's note from Vincent when he left you on a 'cliffhanger' per se, yesterday. You were going to get that tea.

Today's math class ended a bit early so you had time to check the locker quick. Hurrying up to the third floor, you tripped on the steps. Brushing yourself off, you started to run again.

The route to the locker was complicated and isolated. It was located in the abandoned nurse's office when the new wing was built, leaving perfect hiding places.

You turned to go to the locker when you bumped into someone. You looked up meeting your gaze with a pair of brown puppy eyes. He was someone you had never seen before could this be...

"Hi! What are you doing up here?" the boy asked you. Nope, not Vincent. Definitely not. He was happy and bubbly, while Vincent was shy. Very shy.

"Oh. I was waiting for some.... mail?" you answered, not really sure how to answer the question. His eyes widened at your words.

"Mail? I thought she didn't come until later," he mumbled. You were confused. He definitely sounded like he was delivering the letter from Vincent. Maybe he was just a messenger. He fixed his tie and gave you a smile that made you smile as well.

"Well excuse me, I have to check this locker for something," you smiled, gesturing to the locker in front of you. He looked panicked for a second.

"Wait! Nothing's in there," He said throwing himself in front of the locker. You looked at the boy you just met with a look of confusion.

"How do you know? I happen to be receiving a note from someone so if you could excuse me," you asked trying to push him out of the way. He turned around a little bit, meeting your eye.

"I didn't write a note today so the-. Ah, Sh*t!" He shouted. Your eyes widened. Was this Vincent? I mean, you wouldn't be disappointed.

"Wait, you're Vincent?" you asked the boy who was now redder than a cherry. He nodded his head shyly, not wanting to meet your gaze.

"I'm sorry. You're probably disappointed I'm not some popular kid like Kai or Chen," he said looking embarrassed. You chuckled.

"Of course I'm not! You're perfect," you said looking him in the eye which made him go red all over again. He seemed to regain confidence in your words when he suddenly grabbed your hand. In a blink of an eye, his lips were on yours.

"Let's go to the art gallery my sunflower," he said as you were the one to blush this time.