For you // Byun Baekhyun

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You looked over at your best friend who was carefully applying eyeliner. Most people would think that guys wearing eyeliner was a bit strange, but nobody batted an at at Baekhyun. He was damn fineee. 

"Is it good?" He turned to face you, wanting your opinion. You nodded.

"As always Baekhyun," You chuckled. He had been your best friend since the 5th grade, when he first started to wear eyeliner. You were intrigued, he thought you were nice. It all worked out. I mean, until you caught feelings for the dude. He was perfect in his own way. The way he would part his hair, his voice and most of all, his personality. He was 4D to the extreme. You knew he was solid teflon, never touched, so you just shrugged off your petty crush. It made you a bit sad though.

 It was one of those days where you were thinking about him and you got a bit teary-eyed thinking about how one little slip up, could ruin your friendship.

"Ah Kkaebsong? Did I do something wrong?" He pouted. You violently shook your head.

"No! Of course not! You make me happy," he grinned at your response and kept walking. If only you knew. You ran to catch up with Baekhyun as your phone rang. 

"Hello?" a chuckle was heard on the other side of the phone. You raised an eyebrow at the voice before deeming it as your older brother, Chan.

"Y/N. I need you to hand the phone to Baekhyun. He isn't picking up his phone," he urged. You rolled your eyes.

"And how do you know that I'm not with him?" you shot back. 

"Just give him the phone," you hung up and ran up to the older boy. You shoved the phone in his face before leaving him to talk with your brother. You spun at the sound of Baekhyun choking. 

"Baek! You okay?" you shouted. He nodded before turning his back. You decided to walk and get some ramen to escape the cold. Snow kept falling which blurred your vision for a moment. You ran into a wall of c h e s t. 

"Oof. Sorry," you apologized looking at the person in front of you. You made eye contact and you almost screeched. In front of you was Hwang Hyunjin, otherwise known as, 'holy shit. I might leave Baekhyun'. You wouldn't of course, but Hyunjin was your other best friend, that a got a bit too friendly.  By that, I mean he's really clingy. 

"Y/N!" he exclaimed giving you a hug. You returned the embrace and saw your brother behind him. He was peeved. He knew that Hyunjin liked you, you were just oblivious to it. He didn't want one of his close friends dating his baby sister, and he was no more happy about Baekhyun. 

"Hey guys! I was just grabbing some ramen. Care to join?" you asked the group of nine. The boys all agreed and pulled you into the convenience store. You chuckled as they rushed to sit on the small bench. You hurriedly ran to the aisle where the ramen was kept, to find that there was only one package of ramen left. Knowing the boys, I.N would probably end up being chosen to eat while the rest had something else. You decided that you would pay for the younger boy as you walked up to the register. 

"Hey," the package was grabbed out of your hands. You turned to look and saw Baekhyun with a full bag of ramen for all of the boys including you. You smiled and headed back to the table on victory, after paying of course. 

"Give me back my shoe Felix!" Chan whined. You chuckled and set down the packages. All of a sudden Baekhyun gave you a hug. 

"What was that for?"

"For you"


Guys I don't know what this is.