why do I even fucking try?

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Whats the point

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Whats the point. You obviously don't care. So why am I so upset? Because I care about you. And this isn't my attempt at being passive aggressive. This is literally how I feel.
Why do I even try if I know you're just gonna pretend I don't exist? Honestly after what I did? I don't blame you.
Its been two weeks.

By the way you guys I had a crisis plan made with my family and therapist bc they're scared shitless that I might I might just kick my own bucket. And after the stunts I pulled? With the slicing my thighs to bits and pieces? Yikes, I don't blame them..


I hope you see this.
I hope you're well..
I hope you come back.
I pray that you come back.
And if you don't at least tell me.
I can't sleep at night.
I'm losing my head
I can't keep doing this.

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