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Chapter two
"Dawn meet Deaky."
March 5th 1971
Willa's POV:
I pulled up to my best friend's house. Dawn was my best female friend, we practically grew up together. I didn't meet John until I started college. "Bye, dad! I'll be home soon!" Dawn said as she ran out to my car. "Dawn, don't be out too late. I trust you and Willa but I want you home at a reasonable time." He said to her. "Dad, I'll be fine." She replied as she rolled her eyes. "Bye, Mr. Hutton!" I said as I waved from my car window. He waved and Dawn got in the car. The two of us began heading towards this restaurant Roger told us to meet at. I parked and saw Roger leaning on his car, lighting up a cigarette. "Who's that?" Dawn asked. "That's Roger. Cute isn't he?" I said. Roger exhaled and looked at the two of us, waiting for us to get out of the car. I stepped out and Roger said "Willa, who's your friend?" "This is Dawn." Roger stepped over and held out his hand. "I'm Roger." He said as he waited for Dawn to shake his hand. She grabbed it and said "hey." Roger smirked a little and went to say something but Freddie interrupted him. "Darlings, can we please go inside I'm starved." Freddie said. He noticed Dawn and said "Willa who's that?" "This is my best friend Dawn." "Ooh, she's you're best friend?" Roger asked. Freddie pushed him playfully and said "leave her alone, Rog." "Where's Deaky?" I said. Freddie pointed over near a water fountain and Freddie began talking to Dawn. I covered John's eyes and said "boo." He laughed and removed my hands from his eyes. "Hello, Willa." He said. "I want you to meet my best friend." "I thought I was your best friend." John said as I pulled him over to Dawn. "Dawn, meet Deaky. Well, John. His name is John but I call him Deaky." "Why do you call him Deaky?" Dawn asked. "Cause of his last name, darling. Deacon. Deaky." Freddie said. "I'm Dawn. What do you want me to call you?" "Whatever you'd like." John replied. "Where's Brian?" I said. Roger took a drag from his cigarette and said "probably by his car. Or maybe inside." Freddie began dragging Roger inside the restaurant since he was hungry. "They just don't wait do they?" I turned around to see Brian. "I was wondering where you were." I said to him. Brian furrowed his eyebrows and said "oh, really? The guys forget I'm around sometimes. It's usually when girls show up." I raised my eyebrow and he said "I don't mean you I just mean, girls in general." John was leading Dawn inside and I could tell Brian was slightly embarrassed of what he said. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him toward the restaurant. I didn't even notice he was a lot taller than me until we got inside. "God, you're tall." I said. Brian chuckled and Freddie pushed his way between us to get by. He realized what he had done and then he put me back next to Brian, closing the space he had just created. "Is he always like this?" Brian nodded and said "yeah. That's the person that Freddie is." There was a table in the corner and Roger sat down, watching Dawn, trying to figure out where she was going to sit. Freddie sat next to him, ruining his plan. I snickered and sat down across from Roger. Dawn was on one side of me while Brian was on the other. John sat next to Freddie who said "you're comfortable with us? Right?" John nodded and said "I'm getting better. I've always been shy." "I'm shy too." Freddie replied. John half smiled and Freddie patted his back. "What's there to eat here?" Roger said as he looked at the menu. Freddie looked at a dish and said "ew that looks gross." "What is it?" Brian asked. "Some kind of soup. It's got shit in it." Roger waved the waitress over and said "could you start us off with some bread please?" She nodded and went to go and get some. "Have you found anything to eat, Brian?" I said to him. He looked at me and shrugged. "I'll find something. It's not a big deal." I sighed and Dawn pulled me over to her. "Why'd you ask him that?" "He's a vegetarian." Dawn nodded and didn't say anything. The bread was set on the table and I went to grab a piece when Brian set some on my plate. "Thank you." I said to him. "You're welcome." Brian replied. "You're flirting now?" Freddie asked Brian. Brian looked at Freddie and said "no." "It sure looks like it." I blushed a little and I noticed that Brian's face was turning red. Freddie's attention went to something else and I patted Brian on the shoulder. "Ignore Freddie." I said to him. He nodded and looked at me. "So, you want to see some of my photography?" Brian said "yes. I'm interested in it. Is that what you study at the university?" "Yeah. What about you?" "Mathematics and Physics. But I leaned towards astrophysics. I already have my degree." "Wow, that's impressive." Brian smiled and said "you think it's impressive?" I nodded and said "so you know about space? Like a lot?" "Yeah. I like the stars." "I do too. I don't know much about them but they fascinate me." "I think that's really cool that you like that sort of stuff. Most people don't even want to talk about it with me." Brian said as he slightly frowned. "I take pictures of the sky. I could show them to you. One day." Brian smiled really big and said "could I see them? You'd really let me see them?" "They're not great pictures but I think you'd like them." "What about tomorrow? You can come to my flat." I was shocked that Brian wanted to see photos of mine. They're not great but they're not terrible either. "Sure." I said. "I'll give you my address after we leave here." He said. I nodded while smiling. Dawn was elbowing me in the arm while smirking. I rolled my eyes and said "stop." "He likes you." She whispered. "We don't even know each other." I whispered back. We all ordered and our food was brought to us. Once we were all finished Freddie said "what's next?" "What do you mean?" John asked. "What's next? What are we doing next?" Dawn said "I'd do something but I have a class in the morning." Freddie pouted and said "you're no fun." "I'm sorry, Freddie." He nodded and said "what about you, Willa?" I shook my head and said "I also have a class in the morning." Roger groaned and said "come on! Let's all go have a drink." John lit up a cigarette and Freddie did the same. "Looks like it'll be us. Again." Freddie said while rolling his eyes. "Boys, I'm sorry. Another night." "This weekend!" Roger said. I shrugged and said "ok. We're all going to go out and get drinks?" "Yeah. Why not?" Brian looked at Roger and Freddie who were slightly annoyed. "Leave the girls alone. We'll all have plenty of time to do stuff together." He said. Freddie turned on his heel and headed to Roger's car. "Wait, Freddie where's your car?" I said. "Don't have one. Because I don't know how to drive." He said. "Freddie and I live in a flat together. So we'll probably head back there. Have a few drinks." Roger said as Freddie pushed his hair out of his face. John gave me a hug and then said "bye, Dawn. I'll see you soon." She bit her lip and said "bye." He walked to his car and said goodbye to Freddie and Roger, waving to Brian. Dawn checked her watch and said "my dad might flip if we don't go soon." I nodded and Brian said "let me give you my address." He went to go in his car and grab a piece of paper and a pen. "So you just keep paper and pen with you at all times?" I asked him. Brian rolled his eyes and said "I write songs remember?" "No. I think I forgot." I said sarcastically. Brian chuckled and wrote his address down. "See you tomorrow?" I nodded and said "sure." He smiled at me and I did the same. He got in his car and I got in mine. "Did you just get his number?" Dawn asked. "No. He gave me his address." "Ooh." She said while smirking. I pushed her playfully and said "I'm showing him some of my photography stuff. There's no romance in the air." "Not yet." She said. I rolled my eyes and said "I'm so not his type." Dawn shrugged and said "you never know." "I don't even know him. Don't jump to conclusions." "Sis, I'm already there."

Here's the second chapter!!

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