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Chapter nineteen
The Nutcracker
July 14th 1973
Willa's POV:
The boys had just released an album the day before and Dawn had a ballet performance tonight that we were all supposed to attend. I was sitting in Roger and Freddie's shared flat. "Willa! I need you for something!" Freddie said. I turned my head to look at him as he stood in the dining room. "I just had the grandest idea." "What is it, Freddie?" I asked. He came into the living room where Roger and I were sitting. The blonde was in my lap, I was playing with his blonde locks. "I want you to be my date to Dawn's show tonight." He said. Roger scoffed and I said "really? Are you sure you don't want to ask Jim?" He nodded and said "his daughter is performing and I don't think it's really appropriate. Plus I'm not sure if he likes me." "Of course he does. Neither of you have made a move yet." I said. Freddie shrugged and said "but will you, darling? I'd love it if you did." I nodded and said "of course." He smiled really big and Roger and said "I'll bring Crystal cause I ain't showing up to this thing alone." I hit him on the side of his head and he rolled his eyes. Roger got up from my lap and went to the kitchen and Freddie gladly took his spot. "Freddie." Roger whined. Freddie laid in my lap now and I played with his hair. It was long and I said "I should braid it." He shook his head and said "good lord no." I rolled my eyes playfully and said "you'd look so pretty." "You're so pretty." Freddie said as he looked up at me. I smiled down at him and he played with the ends of my curly hair. "Is this flirting? Is that what's going on here?" Roger asked. Freddie shrugged while in my lap and I said "it's playful flirting." Freddie nodded in agreement and Roger scoffed. "You do that with Brian don't you?" I looked at Roger and said "what're you talking about?" Freddie sat up and said "Roger, can I talk to you?" The blonde walked into the other room and Freddie said "don't mind him. He's upset that he'll have to go with a slut to the event tonight." I giggled at him and he walked into the other room with Roger. There was a knock on the door and I stood up, answering it. Brian stood on the other side and I said "h-hi." "Hi. I wasn't expecting you here." "Nor was I." I replied. He chuckled and said "is Freddie and Roger in?" I nodded and let him inside. Roger came back in the room and said "hey, Brian." Freddie did the same and sat down next to me. "Uhm so I got the tickets from Deaky and everything is set." He said. Freddie put his arm around me and Roger said "how many is there?" "Only for the four of us." Brian replied. Roger huffed and said "shit!" "What happened?" Brian asked. "He was going to take that slut he's been screwing." Freddie said. Roger said "now I'm going to be alone." "What're you talking about?" Brian said. "Freddie is taking Willa as his date tonight." Brian looked over at Freddie and said "why?" Freddie shrugged and said "I want too. She's one of my best friends." He pulled me closer to him and I leaned my head on his shoulder. Brian nodded and said "but you're gay right?" Freddie groaned and said "Brian, this doesn't mean I'm not gay. I just want to spend the night with Willa. You've been hogging her from everyone." My face turned a little red and Brian chuckled nervously. "What time is it?" I asked, changing the subject. Roger checked his watch and said "it's 5:00." "I'm going to go home and get ready." I said. "The show starts at 8:00." Roger said to me. I rolled my eyes and said "I have to take a shower. My hair is ugly right now." I pointed to my curly hair that was currently in a ponytail and Brian said "it looks pretty." I looked at him and said "t-thanks." He smiled and Roger stared between the two of us with a stupid look on his face. I grabbed my purse and said "see you later, Freddie." He nodded and I looked at Roger. "Bye, blondie." He smirked at the nickname and Brian said "I'll walk you out." Then Roger's smirk disappeared. "Of course you will." Freddie hit Roger on the arm and he yelped. Brian and I went outside to my car and he said "how's photography going? I haven't seen you lately." "It's going good. I've been making really good money. After you got me that one gig, now I'm their first pick every time so thank you." I hugged him and he wrapped arms around me. He was so much taller than me and I loved it. I was probably right under his shoulder. "You're welcome. And you deserve it. You're an amazing photographer." I pulled away and said "I bought the album by the way." "Oh did you?" I nodded and he said "what's your favorite song?" I thought about it and said "Keep Yourself Alive." Brian chuckled and I said "what?" "I wrote that one." "Well, I love it." Brian nodded and said "good." I smiled up at him and he said "I have a proposition for you." I quirked an eyebrow and said "oh?" "When we get to the theatre, how about you sit in between Fred and I? That way it'll be like you're on a date with me." He said. I smirked and said "Brian May, you are mischievous." "I'm well aware, Willa Carrington." He replied. "Then it's set." I said. I got into my car and Brian said "see you at the show." I smiled to myself as I backed out of the driveway, heading back to my place.


I had finished my hair and makeup. I put on my dress and drove to the theatre. Freddie was waiting outside with Roger and Brian. As I walked over to them, I couldn't keep my eyes off Brian. I had never seen him in a suit before and he looked so handsome. Freddie held out his arm for me to take and I did. "Did you guys see Jim?" I asked. Roger nodded and said "he's inside. Holding our seats. I needed a cigarette really quick." Roger exhaled and smoke left his lips. "I'm going to have one too." I grabbed one from my purse and lit it, inhaling it. I exhaled and Freddie said "this show is going to be amazing. I don't even have to see it to know. I love this kind of stuff." I smiled at his enthusiasm and Brian looked at me. I exhaled and he said "you look beautiful." I blushed and I was thanking the lord that it was nighttime and that they couldn't see it. "Thank you." I replied. Roger and I finished our cigarettes and headed inside. I made sure I sat in between Brian and Freddie. John was on the other side of Brian next to Jim and Roger was next to Freddie. We were pretty close to the stage. The show started and I watched John's eyes light up as he watched Dawn dance on stage. She was one of the sugarplum fairies and he stared at her, like he was entranced. I leaned over to look at Roger who looked like he would die at any second. He propped his head up with his arm that was resting on his knee. I nudged Freddie and he looked at the blonde who was staring at my best friend like she was the only girl on stage. Freddie sniggered and my attention went back to the stage. I'd be lying if I said I didn't see Brian staring at me for most of the show. I could see him out of the corner of my eye and I thought it was cute. Eventually his attention went of off me and Dawn was amazing as usual. As the show ended everyone stood up and began to leave the theatre. Jim was going to take us backstage so we could see Dawn. We all stood up and began to make our way through the crowd that was slowly dissipating. I felt someone grab my hand and I looked up to see Brian. "I got you." He said. I nodded and held his hand tightly. We made it backstage and Brian said "you ok? You were holding my hand pretty tight." I sighed and said "sorry. I don't really do well with crowds. I guess you can say they give me anxiety." Brian frowned and said "well, when we get famous I'll have to keep you away from the crowds then." I smiled at him and he said "you're ok though?" I nodded and said "I'm fine." Dawn was still in her tutu and she came out of her dressing room. She ran over to John who hugged her. "You looked amazing and you look so beautiful right now." He said. Dawn blushes and said "awe, Deaky." He hugged her again and swayed her back and forth. John kissed the top of her head and Freddie stood next to me. Brian had went to stand next to Roger and the two of them were talking. "You know, that could be you and Brian." Freddie said. I shook my head and said "I think he's just a little sweet on me. That's all. I don't think he really likes me. He was staring at me tonight only because I had a long dress on and my makeup is done to perfection." Freddie rolled his eyes and said "you're always beautiful you're underestimating yourself." I chuckled and Dawn walked over to me, giving me a hug. "Deaky is so proud of me and it's so cute." She said. "I think someone else is proud of you as well." Dawn looked over at Roger. She smirked to me and walked over to him, giving him a big hug. He hugged her back and said "you did really good tonight." "Thank you, Roger." Jim said "how about to get dressed and we all go out to dinner?" Freddie nodded and said "yes please. I'm starved." Dawn went back in her dressing room and John stared at her as she walked back in. "You've got it bad." I said. He rolled his eyes at me and said "yeah. I really like her. But I'm your best friend and she's your best friend." "Yeah. As long as you don't break each other's hearts it's fine. Cause I'll kick both of your asses." I replied. John giggled and said "that won't happen." "I hope so." I said.

Here's the update! It's extra long wowowow

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