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Chapter twenty
August 1st 1973
Willa's POV:
Queen's album had hit the charts and was gaining success. Slowly of course. Freddie wanted me to do some promo shots of them and I was currently standing in the studio. "We'll be nude, darlings. So strip down." Brian's eyes almost popped out of his head and he said "Freddie, do we have to be nude?" "You can keep your underwear on. But don't let the camera see it. Keep it pulled down low." Roger smirked and Freddie looked at him. "No funny business, blondie." There was a small dressing room and the boys didn't really need it. Dawn ruffled John's hair and I motioned for Freddie to sit down in the chair in front of me. I grabbed my eyeshadow palette and said "may I?" Freddie nodded and I put some black eyeshadow on the brush, gently applying it to his eye. "What color is it?" Freddie impatiently asked. "You'll see. You're going to look good." I looked over to see Dawn applying some eyeliner on John. Roger stared curiously and I finished on Freddie. "Open your eyes." He looked at himself in the mirror and said "I love it." He shook out his hair and I grabbed some eyeliner. "Sit still." I said as I applied it to his eye. I finished it and he took off his shirt and his pants. He had no fear. He went and sat down on one of the chairs. "Brian, you sit too cause you're so tall. We'll have Deaky stand and Roger stand. Then maybe I'll have you switch places." I said. Brian went and sat down he covered his body and Roger said "it's cold in here." He blinked a few times and I saw that he was trying to show off his eyeshadow. "I can see it." I said. He smirked and Deaky went to stand behind Brian. Roger stood behind Freddie and I fixed John's hair. He looked down at me and said "do I look good?" I nodded while giggling. I went over to Roger and shook out his hair a little. Freddie was perfect and I walked over to Brian. "May I?" He nodded and said "of course." I reached into his hair and shook it out, his curls soft against my hands. I pulled his bangs down a little farther, Brian looking up at them as I did so. I removed my hands and looked at him. "I think you're good." I said. Brian nodded and sighed. "Hey, it's fine. Don't be nervous. It's just me. And you're hair is really soft." I whispered the last part. He chuckled and I went over to my camera. Dawn stood next to me and I said "boys, look here. Don't look anywhere else unless I tell you. Look here, that means at the camera, Roger." He scoffed and said "why'd you call me out and nobody else?" "Cause you're easily distracted. Are you ready, boys?" They all nodded and they all did a pose. I took the picture and said "change the poses for each picture. I'll give you a hand signal for when I'm going to take the next picture." We took a few more and the four of them were really photogenic. It could be an unplanned picture and they looked so good. I said "John move to the right and Roger come to the front. Brian you go in Deaky's spot. Freddie stay where you are. John and Roger will look to the left. While Freddie and Brian will look at me. Ready?" "Yeah." Roger said. I took the picture and said "you guys are finished." Roger stretched and said "good. I'm starving." I began putting my camera equipment away and Brian walked over. "That's a nice tripod." He said. "Yeah. I got it from the money I've been making on other jobs." I replied. Freddie was already dressed and he walked over with some cash. "Freddie, I can't accept this." I said. He shook his head and said "I want you to be our photographer. Which means you're an employee, which also means you get paid." I half smiled and said "thanks." He nodded and said "I'll always make sure you're paid. And that you have money." I didn't know what to say. I looked at Freddie dumbfounded and didn't say anything. Roger called him over and they began talking. Brian pulled on his pants and then his shirt, which was slightly uneven. I fixed it and began buttoning it up. When I got to the third button to the top he said "leave the top two undone." "You're a tease, Brian." He shrugged and said "looks like I am." I watched John pull his boots on which made him almost as tall as Brian. "Want me to help you take this stuff back to your place?" He asked. I nodded and said "sure. Did you drive?" "Yeah. You?" "I rode with Freddie actually." "Wait, I thought Roger drove Freddie here." Brian said. "Him and I got a taxi from my place." Brian nodded and picked up the case which my tripod was in. I gathered all my things and the two of us left, going back to my place. We got there and I unlocked the door, going inside. I told Brian to set it down in the living room on the couch. He looked around and said "I haven't been here since you were drunk." I sighed and said "ugh I forgot about that." He shrugged and said "it's nice to be in your house while you're sober." I sat down on the kitchen counter and Brian said "I'm kinda hungry. You have anything to eat?" I pointed to a cabinet and he walked over, looking through it. "When are you going to develop the pictures?" He said. "Soon. Probably in a couple of days." He nodded and held a bag of potato chips in his hands. He dug into the bag and I stared at his chest that was exposed, yes I saw what was underneath it today but I didn't really take it in. "Freddie wants us to start on another album soon." "Really?" "Yeah. He wants people to know us. And if we keep making music, people will know us." "That makes sense." I said. Brian set the bag of chips down and leaned against the stove. "Thanks for doing the shoot today. It meant a lot to us." "You're welcome. I can't believe you guys actually paid me." Brian furrowed his eyebrows and said "well it's a job. And I think we'd rather have you do it. Since Freddie doesn't like being around people he doesn't know. He's comfortable with you." I nodded and said "well I'll be your photographer then." Brian said "good."

Dawn's POV:
John and I went back to my house. He was so needy the two of us barely made it to my bedroom. He kissed up and down my neck, being sure to leave marks. I had my arms wrapped around his neck as he moved my legs apart with his knee. John went to unbuckle my jeans when my bedroom door opened. My dad said "well once again I didn't know John was here." John immediately laid next to me and the two of us tried to play it off like nothing was going on. "I have food. If the two of you would come downstairs." He said, closing the door. I ran a hand through my hair and said "looks like we'll have to do that another time." John groaned and said "what am I supposed to do about that?" He gestured to his boner and I pointed to my bathroom. "Wank." He huffed and went into the bathroom, I was left into a giggling fit as I made my way downstairs.

kw-2187 the ending wasn't planned I just went with it so I hope you enjoyed it bahahahaha

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