The truth part 1

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Lilly:well I didn't want it to come to this but I have to I'll you now...all of you
Kate:what the fuck no!
Alex:this is fucked up on so many levels
Maddy:what voices
Lilly:you don't hear them?
Bru: obviously not you crazy bitch
Eben:why are we moving rooms
Lilly:well 4 idiots decided to kick the fucking door in and I don't want people seeing us and room 13 is also mine so get your shit and the rope and lets go!

Eben does as I say and gets me and his stuff then we all walk into room 13.


we follow Eben into the other room. I would have made a run for it but Lilly's still waving a fucking gun around!

Maddy:so your actually gonna kill us...
Lilly:well I didn't really want to but i mean it could be amusing
Eben: remember their ex's that helped you a little while ago?
Lilly:yeah what about them
Eben:you promised that if they helped you you'd give them the girls
Lilly:well that's not gonna work out now and they haven't bothered to help in how long?
Eben:I don't know
Lilly: exactly their offer is off the table
Kate:you were gonna give us to our ex's seriously!
Lilly:yes but other than that Eben tie them all up but don't cover their mouths before they die they should be able to to have a few last words I mean I'm not completely heartless
Eben:*laughs nervously* yeah

Eben gets rope and starts to tie us up once he's done he walks back over to Lilly. He looks like he's her pet or something doing everything she says I mean I wouldn't be surprised if she's sleeping with him so he'll help God why is he so stupid.


The girls have been gone for a long time and Lilly and Eben are gone so I know their not at the bathroom but where would they go!

Jack:do you think their ok?
Zach:what if they found Kate...
Jonah:well then we need to find them
Corbyn:what do you think Lilly and Eben were doing that they had to leave us earlier?
Daniel:who knows their probably sleeping with each other
Jonah:why would you say that!
Daniel:no reason let's just go find the girls
Jonah:fine but we're talking later

We all start running around like crazy people looking for them what if Kate's hurt or Lilly is or any of them!


Bru: The guys are gonna come and look for us and when they do they'll call the police and you'll be in jail!
Lilly:oh please if I do all I have to do is open my legs and I'll be out in no time
Maddy:you fucking slut

Lilly storms over and slaps me!

Lilly:all of you keep your mouths shut

I swear if they don't find us soon this bitch is probably gonna shoot us!


We get to this hotel asking around and the guy said that a girl and guy checked out two rooms room 13 and 14 we showed him pictures of Eben and Lilly and he said that them! We go to room 14 and the door is Down? So we walk to room 13 open the door and see...

Well we all know what they saw but what's gonna happen!? Find out in the next part of secrets make sure to follow me and share my story thanks for reading ❤

What did they see when th

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