One Last Question

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The next morning, Lana and Ben woke up, got dressed and packed to check out of the hotel. As they exited the hotel, Ben had something to tell Lana. Something he was to tell her today. "Remember when I had something to tell you?", Ben asked. "Yeah.", Lana said. "This is it", Ben stated, "The surprise." Lana looked at him ready for the big reveal. "I'm from a different time era.", he said. "What do you mean?", Lana asked as the two sat on a bench. "I'm from the future.", Ben said. "What?", Lana asked all confused. "I'm a fan and a journalist from the year 2018."

Ben goes on to tell Lana about all those hunches he had about Lana. Those hunches consisted of how he knew about certain things in Lana's future such as Lana getting a car, and how Lana will become famous one day. He even told her about selfies being a common thing a couple years from now. "That explains...a lot." Lana said in a surprising way, "This whole time you were a time traveler?" "I also came into this time to spend time with you, give you guidance, and be more than a fan or a stagehand. I wanted you to be my friend." "Aww", Lana answered, "No matter what time frame you're from, you'll always be my best friend." Ben and Lana were both happy now that the truth was out. Lana pulled out a box and told him not to open it until he got back to his own time. Ben also stated he actually was from Austin, Texas and worked for a local newspaper as a journalist. Ben was staying at a boarding house until he was done in 2009-2010. He also went on to tell the singer that he missed a concert of hers twice, yet he got to see her perform by coming along with her on her tours. Lana was very understanding of Ben and how honest he was about being a time traveler. Lana made a confession to Ben as well. With a little speculation, Lana stated that sometimes people will tell her that she was a time traveler from the 1950s, due to her appreciation for old films and her style of singing.

They continued to talk a little bit more about how Lana will become popular, write a book, become a pilot, and do a Broadway show. "Before you go back, Ben.", Lana continued, "I just want to ask you one more question." Lana paused for a few minutes, "Will I ever see you again?" Tears came down from her face, like a waterfall, yet only for a short while. "Yes, you will.", Ben answered wiping the tears from Lana's eyes. "How do you know?", she asked. "Just a hunch.", Ben answered happily. Lana smiled and laughed. Ben and Lana got off the bench and wanted to take one last selfie of each other. They took one with the Chateau in the background. A bus came by, presumably for Ben. "I got to go back now.", he said. "I love you, Ben.", Lana said. "I know", Ben said as he kissed her one last time. "I'm your man.", Ben whispered into Lana's ear.

Ben got onto the bus with the box Lana gave him. He waved goodbye to her one last time. As Ben got onto the bus and sat down, and against Lana's wishes, he opened the gift and discovered two discs. One had Lana's unreleased songs on them, while the other had the Poolside film. Along with the discs, Lana included her Midas jacket that she wore when she first met Ben along with photos of him and Lana while they were in New York City and Chicago, as well as selfies of them and Chuck. In addition, there was a letter. Ben started to read it: "Dear Ben, these last few months have been very enjoyable. You've been a big help and contribution to making my music career a success. From winning money to get us a new ride to introducing me and Chuck to 'selfies'. Years from now, when I'm a successful star, I'll have you to thank, as well as other musicians long gone. Thank you. Love, your Queen, 'Lizzy Grant AKA Lana Del Rey'" Signed by the singer herself. After reading the letter, Ben already knew what Lana said in her letter was true. She is successful and a gentle soul. As Ben laid back in the bus seat, he knew that one day, he will meet Lana again and have their reunion.

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