Friends are Family (Part One)

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Okay, okay, before y'all complain about this story not being updated, I just want to let y'all know that had I writers block and no inspiration.

Donnie has been studied and partially dissected by scientist. His family and friends are worried sick and it is affecting them all differently.

Just to make this clear, this chapter will be in many different p.o.v. It will be in Leo's, Raph's, Mikey's, April's, Casey's, and Splinter's p.o.v. So pay attention.

Leo's p.o.v.

     I am currently in the lab rereading Donnie's notebook for the up tenth time. It has been two weeks since he went missing, and the fact that it can't stay night all of the time so we can look for is making me crazy.

     I put the notebook down reluctantly so I can go check on everyone.

     Casey was staring at the blank tv screen. He had bags under his eyes and they're bloodshot. His hair is a mess, he doesn't have enough energy to fix it because he is always taking care of the rest of us. He didn't look at me when I walked in, so I decided to check on Mikey, Raph, and April.

    I walked over to where our rooms are. I opened Donnie's door to see April lying in the bed asleep. She was worse then Casey. She kept waking up at night because she had nightmares about the worst possible things that could have happened to Donnie.

     Because she was asleep, I moved on to Raph's room. I reached for the door handle and tried to open it, only to find out that Raph had locked his door, again. I knocked lightly. A second later, I heard the lock click. I waited a few seconds to let Raph breathe before I went in. I cautiously stepped into the room. Raph's eyes were red from crying and he had bags underneath them as well. His face was a paler green, which tells me that he hasn't been eating.

     "Raph, y-you need to eat something" I say calmly.

     "Right back at you, Fearless" Raph shot back at me. His voice was horse and void of its usual bite.

     "Raph, plea-"

     "It's my fault Donnie's missing. Maybe dead." his voice sounded depressed, distraught, and helpless?

     "Raph it isn't your fault at all."

     "Yes it is! I was supposed to go with Donnie to the junk yard! If I had, he wouldn't be missing!" Raph was standing up now. He was visibly shaking. He took a few step towards me, but his knees buckled.

Raph's p.o.v.

     After my knees buckled, Leo caught me. I was bawling know. I hated looking weak in front of Leo.

     "Shhhh, little brother, shhhh. Calm down. It's not your fault." he said while hugging me. When he said this, I squeezed him tighter. Not only did I hate being called little brother, but this is my fault.

     A few minutes later, when I had calmed down, I pushed Leo away.

     "Get out" I said quietly.

     "Raph, I-" he tried to say something but I didn't listen.

     "I said, get out!" I pushed him out of the door and locked it again.

     I felt tears running down my face. Not again! Don't start crying again! Your tough, you don't cry! But you do. Without Donnie here, you cry.

     I fell to my knees and started bawling again. I felt my self shaking. Get it together Raphel! Get it together! Wait... I'm crying because it is my fault. My fault Donnie is missing. My fault no one can go five minutes without crying. My fault... my fault. It is my fault that Donnie might be dead...

Leo's p.o.v.

     I could hear Raph sobbing, but decided to let him for my sake more than his. I reluctantly walked over to Mikey's room. I knew that my brother wouldn't care if I just walked in, so I did.

     Now I don't know who was worse me, Casey, April, Raph, or Mikey. Mikey was staring at the wall motionless.

     "Mikey?" I asked cautiously, scared of what might happen if I don't. My youngest brother might be happy-go-luck most of the time, but he does feel other things to.

To be continued...

Ok so I am going to make a part two to this if you can't tell. This was going be a long, but I was tired of not updating, so...

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