Chapter Four

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"I thought she couldn't talk" Ashley told me. My mouth was wide opened like Stacy's. She just spoke! There was an awkward silence, but no one broke it.

"I can't believe you guys are here!" Stacy spoke again. Her eyes were getting watery and she was shacking. 

"Stacy sweaty, I thought you couldn't talk?" I was also in shock. Then the door opened. It was Stacy's doctor.

"I'm sorry, but there's too many people in here." she said.

"Stacy just talked." I told her. The doctor's eyes opened wide as well.

"Can you talk for me Stacy?" she asked. 

"What am I suppose to say?" she spoke. The doctor examined Stacy as we walked out of the room.

"I thought she couldn't talk." Ashley said again. "Was she that surprised to see me?" he said. We all turned to look at him. "To see us, I meant" he fixed his hair.

"I suppose. There's no other explanation." Andy said. 

"Lets just see what the doctor has to say." I told them. After about another ten minutes we were allowed in. 

"There is no logical explanation. I guess the surprise she had by seeing you guys triggered something in her. Although she never lost the ability to speak, she just choose not to." she looked at all of us. "I guess you could say this is somewhat of a miracle. You can all go in." Right. A miracle? That's the best explanation. I laughed. I respected people and their opinions on religion, but when you bring it up on a serious conversation it annoys me. 

We all walked in and found Stacy writing. When she heard us her head shot up and she smiled. She closed what appeared to be a journal and set it down next to her. Like always, there was an awkward silence. 

"So, Stacy..." Andy said, all eyes went to him. 

"Ok, Stacy. We're here to discuss your wish. And now that you can talk, this might be easier." I smiled, so did she. 

"Ok, well do they know what the wish is?" I nodded. She smiled. "Well do you guys think you can do it?" she was looking down. Andy smiled and walked to her bed side. 

"We can Stacy, but we have to know how you want it." she looked up at him and smiled. "Well?" he sat up as she began.

"Well I want it to be at a concert. And I was hoping you could sing the songs I would tell you to sing."

"How about we sing all of them?" Andy asked. The rest of the guys shout out "What?" Andy gave them a look. They all smiled. 

"You can do that?" Andy nodded and Stacy had the biggest smile on her face. "I would love that! Ok all the songs, in order from the very first to last, but saving The Morticians Daughter as the very last."

"Ok we'll try anything to do that. I promise you, your wish will come true." Andy told her and gave her a hug, followed by a kiss. Stacy was as red as I get. The rest of the guys copied Andy. We all sat there and talked about anything. 

Jinxx talked about Sammi, Jake about Ella, Ashley about playboy, CC about parties, and Andy about...Juliet. I smiled through it all. When it was my turn to talk. 

"I'm not a very interesting person. Why don't we talk more about Ashley's dream of becoming CEO of Playboy." I suggested. 

"There's nothing more to say about that." Ashley smiled. All eyes were on me. What am I going to say?

"Well what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Ashley asked, winking at me. I couldn't help but smile and blush.

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