The Princess

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Harry felt guilty, very guilty.

He knew he shouldn't have submitted the song, which was intended to be one for his girlfriend, but then he ended up making it about Y/N - his assistant instead. He wondered if it counted as cheating - to write a song about another girl while you were already in a relationship. He would defend himself by saying it wasn't actually a love song. The lyrics were just describing a girl who was sweet and kind and had a radiant smile, the girl who made him feel good about himself, the girl who made him feel real, the girl whom he couldn't stop thinking about no matter how hard he'd tried...

Well, now it sounds like emotional cheating, Harry thought to himself as he buried his face into the palm of his hand. Then he heard Jeff calling out his name all the way from the hallway of the studio.

"This song is gonna be a hit! I just know it!" Jeff marched into the room with a bright smile on his face and pulled Harry into a bear hug. "I'm so proud of you!"

He pulled away, the look on his face turned serious. "Now I need you to finalize it!"

Harry was going to say he'd changed his mind and that he didn't want to put this song on the album anymore. However, he didn't even get a chance to speak.


Harry and Jeff shot their heads to the door, before either of them could figure out what was going on, Harry's girlfriend - Lillie barged into the room and literally jumped on top of Harry, securing her legs around his waist as she clung onto him like a koala bear.

"I listened to your new song about me! It's amazing!"

Harry widened his eyes at the girl in his arms, who seemed thrilled to bits. He opened his mouth to speak, but it took him a moment to get the words out.

"M-My song? How did you have my new song, love?"

"Jeff sent it to me."


The manager immediately raised both hands up in the air as he defended himself by explaining, "Lillie's also working on a new album, so I think it's good PR to let her listen to your song. You know, so she'll get inspired to write something based on the same idea, like a dialogue between two lovers? People love that shit!"

Harry was speechless, he could think of nothing to reply so he stayed quiet.

"I know you wanted to surprise me but when I received Jeff's email I just had to play the audio!" Lillie told him excitedly and pecked him on the lips. "It was soooo good! People are gonna freak! I'm so proud of us!"

"Yeah..." Harry laughed nervously. He couldn't tell her the truth now, could he? "I...I'm glad you loved the song."

Lillie jumped off of Harry then grabbed his face and kissed him hard on the mouth, mumbling against his lips how much she loved him and she couldn't wait to write a song to respond to his song for her.

Now Harry felt like he'd committed an awful crime. He had his girlfriend believe the song was about her when it was not. What was worse was him not knowing how to fix this. If he removed it from his next album she would wonder why and would go to the bottom to find out the real reason. He wasn't afraid he would get into trouble, he was worried for Y/N. She didn't sign up for this.

"I've got to go now." Lillie checked her watched and looked up, grinning at her man. "I'll call you later?"

"But love, you just got here." He hadn't seen her in two days and she would just leave after showing up for five minutes!

"I stopped by to say I love the song, but I'm very busy, H. I've got an interview and a photoshoot later!" She told him, stroking his hair then laid a kiss on his cheek. "I love you!"

IN ANOTHER LIFE // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now