twenty three

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the ocean was incredibly breathtaking.
as was seokjin's transformation jungkook knew he would never get tired of.
after excusing him self from the table to let himself cool down, jin of course followed to make sure he was okay which just ended up being a situation neither necessarily wanted to get out of, but had yet to know what it meant.
from then on they spent the day on the boat, taking the time to show jin some of the ropes or how to play chess, which he happened to be overwhelmingly horrendous at.
it was finally time though, the second seokjin transformed and luckily it was in the males room, he was instantly grabbed by jungkook toward an area he could change and given clothes he'd bet were extremely loose.
hoseok, who felt the power of the transformation went down as quickly as possible to make sure everything was alright, only to see jin with an outfit that definitely wasn't right for their activities.
not even a second later was jin being dragged past an oblivious jungkook who had his eyes screwed shut.
once out of sight they both instantly released a sigh.
"does this boy even have a sense of style?"
hoseok wondered, dragging seokjin to his own chamber and closet.
"i spent nearly all of my life naked and even i knew it didn't look too good.
i hoped he was gonna make me as handsome as him."
jin retorted with a pout, taking the time hoseok spent looking at his closet to sneak a peak around his room.
decent in size, this chamber happened to be covered completely in banners and flags instead of treasure, from all the places they've been he assumed.
there was a small bookshelf filled top to bottom with books and he had an orange canopy bed shoved in the corner of the room.
"did you just say kook is handsome?"
hoseok asked, politely handing him a coordinated black ensemble and directing him to a bathroom thats connected between his and yoongi's room.
"i think you're all extremely gorgeous seokie,"
seokjin admitted, slamming the door the second the words left his mouth.
when the bathroom door slammed his bedroom door opened, revealing a disheveled jungkook, very apparently frustrated, his scrunched up face making hoseok want to laugh.
"what the hell did you do with seokjin?"
"if you had any sense of fashion in your body you would've noticed the problem with his outfit too so just wait and see my magic.
now get out and don't come back until i call for you!"
hoseok retaliated, shoving his younger friend out and closing the door right behind him.
right then, as if by chance seokjin called out,
"hoseok, could you come in here?
i don't think i can come out."
curiously hoseok opened the door, only to drop his jaw the second he got a good look at the merman.
it's made very apparent at that moment that kim seokjin is a god damn powerful man.
tight black ripped jeans hugged toned thick thighs, cuddled up to his muscular calves, and emphasised the curved ass seokjin was sporting.
the sheer black silk shirt hoseok managed to sneak away and buy earlier ended right before his nipples, spotlight stolen by his broad shoulders and shaped arms, shirt tight enough to flaunt both his tiny waist and soft stomach.
"kim seokjin, you are mesmerizing, and i'm positive you are an angel walking among us mere mortals."
approaching the flustered merman, hoseok worked for the next fifteen minutes styling jin's blonde strands, throwing clip on dangle earrings in the mix with a finishing touch of lip balm on his glossy pink lips.
a pounding then resonated through the room, specifically on the shared bathroom door, an already tipsy min yoongi being the cause.
he planned to call out to them, but upon pushing open the door and seeing jin he instantly paused.
"well shit jin-"
"sorry hobi, but damn, he's hot as hell."
"okay now that we've established that seokjin is possibly related to aphrodite, please get out so i can change and we can go."
awkwardly standing outside the door, this time in yoongi's room the two boys secretly snuck glances at each other.
"did you really mean what you said?
do you think i look good enough?"
"peach, you look great.
i swear to you there is no reason to fret, it'll be okay.
and don't worry about what jungkook thinks, he's so whipped for you he'd likely praise you in a trash bag."
the words were very relieving, seokjin smiling to himself and taking notice of how lazily the words were spoken and how he could bet yoongi had more than one drink based on his arm outstretched against the wall to hold his body up.
hoseok entered the room, yanking yoongi from his spot and walked out, a confused jin trailing close behind.
"for the big reveal obviously jinnie.
yoongs, can you go find the others and make sure they're ready to go."
bolting off, only a few seconds passed before he came panting back, explaining that they were already walking towards them.
and there they were, namjoon looking dashingly handsome in a lovely pink polo, skinny black jeans adorning his legs, and brown hair slicked back cleanly.
jungkook looked overwhelmingly sexy in his tight and white button up, a matching pair of pants clinging to his thighs and ruffled brown hair styled to perfection.
called out namjoon in his husky voice that pained a tipsy yoongi to hear.
from the back of all the men, a signal of agreement was heard, until jin's entire 5'8 being came into view of the men.
jungkook surely felt his mind blank, unable to process the extensive amount of beauty that was displayed before his eyes. he walked forward, ignoring the stares of the others, who took that as a cue to head towards the sound of noise that could be heard from the festivities happening.
alone and entranced by the merman, he unknowingly lifted a hand to caress jin's cheek, to which jin nuzzled into the touch, releasing a breath he couldn't help but have held in.
"how did i get so lucky?
what did i do in my past life to be able to look at you, talk to you, and soon dance with you?
i'm so captivated by you.
i think i might go insane if i'm not by your side from now until forever."
dropping his hand down to squeeze jin's waist, he slowly entwined their hands together, trailing slowly behind the other males in comfortable silence.
the first step jin managed to take on the island felt unbelievable, like stepping into an entirely new world.
fairy lights coated pathways, flowers of all kinds lined up and down the bridges, and fireworks shooting off into the sky. as they got closer to the trio of friends jin noticed an area filled with people moving back and forth to a band playing upon a makeshift stage.
the sight of all the people looking as if they are having the time of their lives made seokjin so excited he practically tugged jungkook across the floor past many to the center, before pausing and realizing he isn't the most experienced in dancing.
jungkook noticed the switch in emotion and instantly settled into comfort mode.
"what happened beautiful?
why the sudden sadness?"
jin shook his head, this time he was the one who brought his hand up to jungkook's face, avoiding his eyes.
"kookie, i don't know how to dance.
i'm sorry, i know you were excited to dance with me and bring me here."
there only a second of silence until jungkook threw his head back with laughter, grinning ear to ear back at seokjin.
"babe don't worry about it.
anywhere with you fills me with insurmountable pleasure.
now kim seokjin, will you take my hand and have this dance with me?"
so they danced to the beat of bongos and the rhythm of flutes, albeit the wild swaying movements they were producing didn't look to much like dancing.
for moments they had been joined by hoseok, namjoon, and yoongi, who had been to enraptured in what they were doing together to worry about the other pairing.
they felt free to be in love and enjoy themselves, the addition of jin letting them be honest about their feelings.
yoongi loves namjoon, hoseok loves yoongi, and namjoon loves both hoseok and yoongi so damn much.
it had been hard at first, dealing with the disparity between each one's feelings and emotions, along with hiding it from jungkook, but now they weren't restrained to do so because it looked very much so as if he had found his own love.
hand clutching jin's waist when the night slowly came to an end, jin and jungkook glued to each other's chests as they rocked back and forth in a tight embrace the entire night, only parting to grab drinks at a tiki bar that was set up, headed back onto the boat together.
small conversation had slowed to a halt, reaching jungkook's chambers, jin preparing to leave until he was reined in by the tight grip on his waist into the room.
unsteady from the tug, jin's hand went up to the mans shoulder, head slightly buzzed and unaware of his next action until it was completed.
he stood on the balls of his feet, boldly attaching his lips to jungkook's in a sweet and slow attempt at a kiss.
lasting only seconds long, the treasure hunter almost pulled him back in for another, but jin backed away and began undressing, nearly all the way down to jungkook's suprise.
"come kookie, i need your warmth."
and he definitely didn't need to be asked twice, or even asked at all, undressing down to his boxers and throwing on sweatpants in a rush, joining a shivering jin under the covers.
"thank you for tonight kookie.
thank you so so much."
the older male pulled jin unnecessarily close to him, hand latched onto his hip, where it felt needed, and maneuvered so jin's body was slightly on top of his own.
he snuggled into jin's body, lacing their fingers under the covers and placed a chaste kiss onto his forehead.
"i'd do anything for you my love.
anything at all."
and so it appeared that all was well, but nothing is ever as it seems.

1.7k works in the house whoop whoop only took me 3 days but o well. hope you enjoy bc i don't know if I do. have a great time this coming weekend, relax, study for the test you were thinking of cheating on, do the homework you'd rather ignore, and take care of yourself for me please (: !!!
also sorry 4 the cliffhanger + there will probably be a timeskip next chapter

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