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Alexa's POV

"Fucking drive!"

I awake to Spencer's voice. 

I look around to see that I'm still in the car.  I'm still with Spencer and I'm still away from my mate.

"What's happening?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

Suddenly we are hit from behind sending my head to the back of the drivers seat with hard force.

"Were almost there keep driving.  He won't be able to to get through the border. "

Tears start to fall from my eyes as my head starts to throb uncontrollably.

I look into the review mirror and see a large black object charging at us.

I turn around,  whimpering in pain because of my head and see that a large black wolf is coming straight at the vehicle.

My mate.

Lorenzo,  my love is here.

I need to to get out of this car and to my mate,  like now.

Trying to think,  I look at Spencer who looks both worried yet determined.

His eyes are glued to the road ahead of us,  not daring to look back.

I take this time and I swing open the door of the moving car.

Before I can lunge myself out,  Spencer is pulling by my hair.  Again.

I howl in pain. 

-Lorenzo's POV-

My legs are killing me.  I've been running forever.

Being an alpha, my strength and speed is better than any other wolf.

When I noticed that Alexa and Spencer weren't in the house, I knew he was taking her somewhere else.

I took the faint scent from her bed and followed.

My mind was getting hazy and my body wanted to give up but I knew I couldn't give up.

I couldn't give up on my mate.

She needs me.  And I need her.

My legs pumped faster and faster as her scent would get stronger every so often. I finally realized she was in a vehicle,  and I can out of the woods and exposed myself onto the roads.

I rammed the car with my head causing it to dent and jerk forward.

A pain hurt in my chest meaning I hurt my Alexa.

This gave me even more of a push to get to her and make sure she was okay.

The car door opens and I'm guessing Alexa is trying to escape.

I see her figure,  looking like she's about to lunge for it.

I run faster,  maybe I can catch her when she jumps so she doesn't hurt herself.

Before she can push off her head is pulled back and she screams in pain.

That's when everything goes dark.

First he takes mate. Then he hurts her.  This wolf has a death wish,  I'm here to grant it.

Alexa's POV

I'm screaming in pain as the grip that  Spencer has in my hair tightens.

We are suddenly hit again sending the car flying. Everything begins to tumble in the car.

When the finally hits the ground we roll a couple times till we finally come to hault .

The car is upside down and I'm laying flat on the roof.

I try to move when I notice my legs are trapped between the seat and console crushed.

"Lorenzo Help! " I scream out in pain.

I hear deathly snarls so close it's like he's right next me.

I look out the shattered window and see Lorenzo in wolf form still pacing back and forth.

It's like he can't get to me.

"Please help me. " I sob trying to get my leg free but it only cause more pain.

Lorenzo tries to run towards me but an invisible blockade stops him.

Suddenly the door beside me is ripped  and Spencer drops his head down.

"Alexa are you okay? " by the sincerity and concern of his voice I can tell it is actually Spencer and not his asshole wolf.

"Spencer please,  I can't move my leg.  It's stuck." I cry, "and please let me go I need to be with Lorenzo. "

Spencer doesn't respond but climbs into the car and reaches his hand to my leg he tries to pull it and I scream out in pain.

And he then says "your leg is broken I'm going to have to break the seat and pull your leg out you're going to be in a lot of pain but I'm going to get you out of here Alexa I'm so sorry"

He then does what he says he's going to do,  I scream out in pain as the seat crushing my leg is moved,  but feel an instant relief that there is no more pressure.

Spencer slides me me out of car. Spencer then turns to Lorenzo  and so do I to see Lorenzo going crazy.  He keeps trying to get to me.

"Why can't he get to me? "

Spencer stands ups and walks towards Lorenzo is growling viciously at him,  spit dripping from his mouth.

"because we are on a territory,  you have to be invited in." Spencer says still facing Lorenzo.

He then turns to me.

An evil grin on his face and his eyes dark.

"Were on witch territory and they owe me. " he says walking towards me.

Before I can say anything or try to get away,  my eyes become hazy and everything slowly begins to turn fuzzy.

Then darkness.


Gahh another update.

Thoughts or Questions??

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