Chapter 16

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"Tenley Brady I want you naked right now," I glance up to see Colton walking towards me as I sit in the library. I took this spot because it's almost secluded in the back where no one can find me. Apparently Colton Wells is like one of those sniffing dogs that locate…I don't know…socks and things.

"Oh such a sweet talker," I roll my eyes flipping through my literature book.

"No seriously," he slides down beside me, dropping his hand to my thigh. "I want you naked," he repeats and I turn my head to look at him confused. "I met with your Uncle yesterday and got the job."

"Colton that's awesome," I smile, throwing my arms around him. "I told you it would happen."

"I know, but now I have a job, plenty amount of money saved up and am going apartment hunting this week. And…" he leans extremely close to me with a smirk. "I owe you. I'm repaying you with a naked me."

"Hmm…" I ponder the idea. "I might like a naked you," my hand slides up his leg making him groan. "But not now," I turn back in the chair.

"But I want to have sex," his bottom lip pokes out and I laugh.

"I know and I do very much want to enjoy a naked you, but I have this stupid paper I have to write," I slam my hand on my paper annoyed. "Stupid words I don't understand."

"Want some help?" He leans close looking at the paper and I pull it close to me.

"No," I tell him not at all wanting him to help me. He is really smart and I'm really not and I don't want him knowing that.

"Oh come on, let me help," he reaches for it and I just bringing it closer to me. "Fine," he rolls his eyes, pulling my chair closer to him. "If you want to play like that," he shrugs and before I have a moment to realize what he is doing his large hands hook to my hips and starts tickling me.

"Colton!" I squeal, wiggling around in my chair. "Please stop!" I beg as he yanks me into his lap. "Please, please, please," I wiggle around, grabbing at his hands but failing. "Baby!" I shriek diving out of his arms and flying towards the corner in the library. "No!" I laugh when his arms wrap around my waist and yank me into him.

"Tenley," he says calmly as I wiggle in his arms. "We need to calm down, we are in school," there is a hint of teasing in his voice making me growl. "Are we calm?"

"Are we done tickling me?" I throw back and he chuckles.

"For now," he releases me and I spin around to glare at him.

"You better be glad you're cute or I would completely kick your ass," I inform him and his eyes light up with humor.

"Sweetheart I'm pretty sure I could hold you off with one hand," his eyes slant in a playful glare. "And I would so enjoy that," his eyes rake over me, licking his lips.

"Hey you," I grab his chin making him smirk. "Let's pay attention here," I point at my eyes and his smirk grows.

"But I know what's under this," his hands slip in the back of my jean pockets and giving me a squeeze. "And I very much enjoy it," he smirks, dipping his head down and nipping at my neck.

"Colton," I whine, rolling my head back as he starts sucking on it. "Don't say stuff like that, it's embarrassing."

"Why is it embarrassing?" he pulls back to look at me confused.

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