Chapter 22

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"Want something to eat?" I question as I lay on my bed.


"Drink?" I try but he again just shakes his head. "Are you tired?" I run my hand through his hair and his eyes flutter shut.

"Not really…"

"Colton…" I drop down beside him, sliding my body just a little bit closer to him. "Do you need anything?"

"No…" he shakes his head. "I'm really fine Tenley…"

"Colton you've spent the last four nights sneaking into my bedroom," I point out to him. "Not that I mind because I don't in the least…but I just... I want to make you feel better…" I tell him honestly. He has been almost depressed the last few days. It's like every day he is just going through the motions and every night he climbs, somehow I still don't know being as I am on the second floor, but he climbs the drain pipe or something and slips in my bed to sleep. We don't do anything. We don't kiss, we don't really touch and he never holds me like he once did. And nine times out of ten when I wake he is gone but it's the still happens every night and I don't say a thing. Makes me sad because I know he is.

"My apartment is just so…quiet…" he states shifting his legs under my sheets and when I feel the hairs on them graze my smooth ones making me shiver.

I'm pathetic.

"Raine used to wake up and crawl into bed with me… I'm not good at sleeping alone…" he shrugs and my heart breaks at the thought of him alone in his apartment.

"You talk to your dad?"

"He is still pissed at me," he informs me. "Keeps giving me the line she is my daughter…he doesn't want her around though…he doesn't know how to deal with her."

"Have…you talked to Raine?" I ask carefully not wanting to make him even sadder.

"I went by my dad's the other day… Leah is staying there and Raine was alright… She asked if she was coming back with me. She just doesn't get it…"

"You should have everything ready for her when she comes back," I suggest and his brows knit together confused. "She is a baby Colton and her birthday is coming up soon. I think you should paint her room and get it little girl ready for when she comes home. Also plan her, a big fun birthday party."

"You think?"

"Yeah! Can you imagine how excited she would be to come home and have some fancy bedroom?"

"I don't know…I'm not a girl. I don't know what you people like," he gets a slight grin, the first real grin I've seen in days.

"We like pretty…." I roll my eyes playfully at him. His eyes going back to closed and I just lay here watching him. He has been really distant to me still. Occasionally he might fall into the familiar way of how we were but not often and as soon as he does realize it he yanks back quickly. I don't think he is still mad at me, but I don't think he trust me anymore either. "Are you ok?" my brow creases when I see him start to shift uncomfortably.

"My shoulder is sore," he rolls it back and I hear it suddenly pop.

"Ouch," I cringe for him at the noise. "What did you do to it?" I question and see him suddenly get a very spaced out look. The look he had that day in his room when I asked what happened to his knee.

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