Chapter 19

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"Hey it's me…I…god I don't know…I mean I know I'm sorry…I guess. Wait no guess I am sorry, Colton. I didn't mean to have done something to hurt your feelings. Yet I don't know even if I did hurt your feelings. Maybe it was just a macho I have her thing which if is the case is so…guy like…" there is a long pause and I hear a deep breath get released. "But I'm sorry Colton. Please just call me or come by or tell me to come by so we can talk. I just want to talk…" there is a long trail off before the line disconnects.

I thought about calling her but I haven't. I don't know what I'm really pissed about, maybe it was just a mixture of everything going on but something about that Zane guy bothered me. I don't know why.

"Colty," Raine sits on my stomach as I lay on the couch. "You need to smile," she pokes my cheeks but nothing forms.

"I'm not in the smiling mood right now Princess," I admit and she frowns a little.

"You not happy about movie?" she looks at the screen but I chuckle shaking my head no.

"I like this movie," I admit and she nods.

"Dats good," she chews her finger. "My birsday is soon…" she reminds me and I laugh a full one now.

"I know that Princess," I grin looking at her. "You will be a big girl soon. Before I know it you will be starting school and leaving me."

"I never!" she freaks, her little eyes widening. "I stay with you forever!"

"Good…" I give a gentle smile brushing a curl back.

"Colty I don't wike you sad," she squeezes my cheeks and I knock her hand away.

"I'm not sad Raine…I'm…I'm thinking…"

"About Tenny?" she questions.

"How'd you know?"

"She call you silly," she giggles, pointing at the phone by my side. "You sad cause you lub her and she not here?"

"I do not love her Raine," I stress that quickly knowing having this conversation with a child is ridiculous. She doesn't know anything really, she loves everyone. "She is my friend…"

"But you kiss," she reminds me as if I'm not aware of the things Tenley and I've done. "I don't kiss my friends…" she giggles.

"You don't have friends," I grumble looking over at the TV screen.

"You know what I sink," she sits holding a thought for a moment. "We should call Tenny…"


"So you can tell her you lub her!" she tells me like it's that easy, like saying something like that to someone is just what you do. "Maybe she sad cause you didn't tell her…I tell her all de time! It makes her smile and den you get a hug."

"I don't love her Raine," I repeat for about a million times.

"Why? She nice, she make you smile," she pokes my cheeks and I finally break into a grin at how adorable my little sister is. "And she has pretty hair…"

"Her hair is pretty huh?"

"Berry," she nods. "And she has pink berry ALL DE TIME!" she squeals the last part excited.

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