A Bar Above the Rest

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Stefan Hooper stepped out of the hotel after a very long shift. One solid week of working at the Pirate Ship Restaurant was not exactly where he thought he'd end up with his education. But then again, the hotel and surrounding area did make up for it but a huge margin. There had been rumors of Mr. Ridgemount wanting to build another restaurant for an older crowd, but the bar seemed to have put a hold on those plans.

"Today's the day that bar's opening." Stefan thought "I should have some time open for an hour or two to visit."

The bar was something that was definitely built with the older crowd in mind, if they had the time later on in the evening or night, just to relax after a long day at the hotel. Of course, rules had to be in place for the bar since it was at a family resort and Mr. Ridgemount did want to keep it that way, while at the same time wanting to gear something more for the adults then kids, or at least had more young adults and adults without kids in mind than with and older surfers to have their own little space. It didn't really stop those with, as long as they didn't go overboard they would be all right in Stefan's mind, but there was no guarantee that they would pace themselves or go overboard with their orders. The bar seemed to be one seemed to be one of the many things that the founder and CEO of Surfer's Paradise wanted to include in order to expand the hotel and again, attract people to go and stay there. He thought it might have been some sort of sign of things to come at the hotel, other than the new change of with him and Naomi in their respective positions. The past couple of days, he could only assume that Honey must have gone through some serious pre-opening training as a last-minute thing for her own position in preparation for this night. It was early for anyone to assume that Honey, and anyone else working at the bar, would be under a tremendous amount of stress that day. Stefan making a mental note, reminding of wanting to visit the bar to see if he could say 'Hi' to Honey, if it was possible to even speak to her, since he assumed that she would be fairly busy when it opens. He expected there to be quite a lot of people there to check it out like he wanted to do. So actually, sitting down and talking to Honey may be out of the question, at least on something one on one with no interruptions.

The question now was what to do with his evening until that time. It didn't take too long of a walk for him to hear some very excited shouts and whooping coming not that far away from him. Stefan's gaze eventually coming across a small group of teens with surf boards in hand.

"Not surprising, considering who usually comes here to stay." Stefan thought.

He continued on his way after a quick look the kid's way. Following the path to the beach for a quick relaxing walk, or maybe a bit of a sit down in the sand. The crowd around the beach told him that, obviously that it was fairly busy, which didn't really surprise too much as it was the biggest attraction of the hotel, all things considered, so it didn't seem that off that the area was pretty full. A little too much for his liking, at least for him to go and walk up and down it.

"I think I'll try finding Kahuna and see if I can get him to give me a lift downtown." Stefan thought, wandering the beach's path. "It'll probably be worth my time for a few hours."


Fin stretched her back after another rough room. Things were picking for the summer a little though and it was showing, despite the rooms that she had to face.

"One more room, fifteen more minutes." Fin muttered. "This better be a small job."

As the group of thoughts filtered, the one-hour long lunch break came up. It was cut down to forty minutes with two ten-minute breaks during the day. The first break was in the morning was a short, nice little break of a long shift, and there were some implications that they would gain their twenty minutes again for lunch in the future. If they proved themselves responsible enough Fin guessed or something like that. It would be good to have an extra twenty minutes for catching waves without feeling rushed for eating her lunch before going back to work. Thinking over what she wanted to eat before getting her session. Something light and fast.

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