Part 4

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You stood out on the balcony in the fresh air, enjoying the feeling of the breezing tickling your skin and the view along with it. You'd been out there that long now, you had practically sobered up after thinking about the whole kiss with Alex and Bucky's weird, confession. Still had no clue what he was doing to you but, you liked it and hoped for more... Steve included.

The door to the balcony slammed shut behind you. "You've slept with him, haven't you?" You sighed closing your eyes, trying to ignore him. "HAVEN'T YOU!" Alex grabbed a hold of your arm, spinning you around to face him.

"Who are you talking about?" You snapped at him.

"That super-soldier, dick," He grunted.

You shook your head. "What's it to do with you if I've slept with Steve or not?" You frowned at him.

Alex's eyes widened as he stepped back from you. "You've slept with, Rogers... too?"

Your mouth fell open and closed like a goldfish. Fuck! You shook your head, struggling to find the words.

He glared at you whilst grabbing you by your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. "You've been all over me-" He snapped. "I tell you, how you make me feel and- you're just a whore, aren't you? Sleeping around, trying to get what you want!" He growled. "I think it's my turn to get what I want!"

"And I think, it's my turn to ask, what the fuck you think you're doing?" Steve's voice bellowed from behind Alex, causing him to immediately back away from you. Steve stepped in front of you shielding you from Alex as he spoke again. "Well? Answer me, Agent?"

"I- hmm, I- was-"

"Leaving!" It was Bucky's voice that sent the order.

You glanced around Steve's broad shoulder seeing the dark-haired beauty stare daggers into the skull of the man that left with his tail between his legs. You had to bite back your smirk as you watched Bucky not move an inch from the doorway meaning Alex had to practically squeeze past whispering excuse me.

Once he was gone both men turned their attention to you. You didn't know who to look at first, so you didn't. You breathed out deeply turning your back to them as your hands wrapped around the railing as you sighed heavily.

"Doll?" Steve was first to speak, coming to stand by your side.

You took another deep breath before lifting your gaze from the street. "Thank you. The both of you." You smiled softly at him before turning to look over your shoulder at Bucky who was now behind you, almost touching.

Steve nodded stepping closer. "I wasn't about to let that slimeball hurt you, doll. You're ours," He whispered, his lips brushing against your temple.

You raised an eyebrow glancing up to him, your eyes locking. "What ya' mean, 'yours'?" You asked.

Steve began grinning, his hand sliding across your lower back until he had his hand curled around your waist, pulling your body closer to him so you could feel the semi hard-on in his pants. "Bucky's not the only one that wants more than lust, sweetheart." Holy shit!

"There you are!" Sam's excitement interrupted the three of you. "Stark's kicking the guests out so it's just us. Thor's got his damn hammer out. Coming?" 


You were the first to nod and leave the boys' side, your arm slipping around Sam's waist as the two of you went to join the others in attempts to lift Thor's hammer. It had become a ritual every time you had a party.


After more drinking and many failed attempts at picking Thor's hammer up, you all sat around just talking. You sat on the sofa next to Bucky, your right hand just lazily laid on his thigh, nothing to it. He had his left arm over your shoulders as he used his other to lift his drink to his mouth every so often. Steve sat on your other side, his hand laid on his thigh as you effortlessly drew patterns across his knuckles.

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