Part 2

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You were practically bouncing on your feet as you waited for the lift to go down.

Tonight was Steve's, Bucky's and your first real date together. It had been a week since you spoke about what you were. The three of you were an official thing. Both men had asked you to be theirs properly after they saw Pietro practically drooling all over you in the gym and continuously flirting with you. You'd all agreed to keep the three of you a secret (for now at least) until you were 100% sure it's what you all wanted.

It was hard not to say anything to Natasha or Wanda, they were like your sisters, you always told them everything. And not telling Tony was hard too. He'd always been good at knowing when you had something on your mind. The fact you'd been able to keep quiet for so long so far about what you and the super-soldiers had been up to was a surprise for you but you were determined not to spill until the right moment.

When the doors opened you were greeted by two extremely gorgeous men. How are they always so damn hot, you thought as you began walking over to the pair, a blush creeping onto your face as they looked down at you.

Steve was the first to speak after he placed a kiss on your cheek. "Wow, you look beautiful."

You smiled dropping your gaze to the floor. "Thanks. You too." you let out a small chuckle as did Steve. You turned to Bucky smiling up at him. "You okay, Bucky?"

He nodded gulping. "Yeah, Doll, I-"

A sudden flash of entering the room followed by Natasha, Wanda and Sam cut Bucky off. You frowned a little looking away from Bucky.

"Wow, Y/N, you look great. Where are you off?" Wanda smiled at you from the coach.

"Hmm, out... with the guys." you smiled a little.

"Date night." she winked teasingly, unknowing it was true. You rolled your eyes with a scoff, playing along.

"For those two, maybe," Pietro muttered as he walked by you.

You gave him a scowl as you watched him leave, you knew he liked to tease Steve and Bucky along with the others about how close they were but you still got annoyed with him. As did Bucky who had warned him multiple times to shut his mouth.

"I agree with, Wanda. A little slutty but also classy is a great look for you." Nat smirked at you making you laugh.

"Thanks, classy slut is what I was going for." you teased.

"You nailed it." she winked. You began laughing again until Pietro opened his mouth.

"Speaking of nailing... when you gonna let me nail you?" he smirked as he placed his arm around your shoulders. Out the corner of your eye, you saw Bucky glaring at Pietro and Steve grabbing his arm, pulling him back.

You rolled your eyes looking up to Pietro. "Well, since I'm not a piece of two by four, never, three seconds," you smirked.

You glanced over to Wanda who tried not to laugh at her brother, knowing she was the one to give you that little piece of information about her rather quick brother. Pietro quickly removed his arm and left without another word as Sam burst out laughing, asking what you meant by that.

"C'mon, let's go." you took a hold of Steve and Bucky's hands pulling them over to the elevator with you.

Neither of them spoke for a good few minutes after the doors had closed, leaving you in comfortable silence. "Just so you know, you look absolutely stunning, Y/N," Bucky spoke, his gaze firmly fixed to the elevator doors.

"Thank you." you began blushing a little as you glanced up to him.

"And definitely not a slut," Steve added making you smirk.

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