Chapter one

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[ Edit: This has been re-edited for you guys 😸]

So I decided to do this because I could not find a Tokyo ghoul and servamp crossover anywhere. So yeah... please enjoy! ( my writing isn't that good btw, but I did my best ) :) (I also have not read the servamp manga yet, but am currently reading it so I apologize if I miss out something or get something wrong).

Kuro P.O.V:
"What? You wanna go to a café? Since when do you wanna leave the house for something?" Mahiru said with a puzzled look on his face "I don't know.." I said only half paying attention to him while the TV was going on in the background.
"I mean it's been a while since I last went to one, and besides your on vacation or something aren't you? So there's no need worry about waking up early for school tomorrow." I reasoned with him, picking at some dirt under my nails.
"..Hmm, ok I guess. let see I think that there's one kinda close, we'll go once it gets dark" he said grabbing his bag. "It's almost sunset isn't it? Trust me, I'll be fine" I said reaching to turn of the tv. "If you say so.." he said a little hesitantly. We went out and Mahiru locked the front door behind us. We ended up walking about ten minutes down the road before reaching a small café called 'anteiku'. "Hey, this looks like a good place to stop. What do you think, Kuro?" Mahiru looked up at me and smiled "I don't see why not.." I followed behind him only to have completely forgotten that the sun still existed. Suddenly the world got a whole lot bigger including Mahiru himself. "Ugh..what a pain" I said with a grown. "Oh yeah.. that's right. Hey, I'm sure they won't mind animals as long as you're no too noisy.." He didn't sound to sure but we had already walked a whole ten minutes and I wasn't about to leave before I got some cake, so just nodded and jumped on Mahiru's shoulder as he carried me inside the warm and cozy café.

Touka P.O.V:
I was in the middle of brewing a cup of coffee for a customer a few tables down when I heard the door open and bell ring . "Welcome to anteiku! Please sit wherever you like!"said Kaneki with a smile "umm, thanks." Said the boy who just entered. He had short brown hair and looked no older than sixteen. He sat on the first chair he saw was empty and that's when I noticed it. A small, black and furry little kitten had leapt from the boy's shoulder down onto the table below. It immediately curled up in a ball, but still didn't go to sleep. I finished making a coffee and went over take the boy's order. "can I get you anything?" I said smiling "just a slice of cake and a coffee, please" he said pointing to the picture on the menu. 'Ugh, cake' I thought to myself 'how do humans eat that sugarcoated crap?' . "That's a pretty cute cat, what's his name?" I said trying not to think about how disgusting his order was, apart from the coffee of course. "Oh, are animals not aloud in here?" The boy said with a concerned expression "oh no, cats are fine!" I explained to him reassuringly. "Phew! Well in that case, his name is Kuro." "Aww" I extended my arm down to scratch his head.
"how old is he?" "Ummm!" The boy said sounding a little panicked "He's about...eighteen months, yeah, eighteen months!" He didn't sound sure, but I just brushed it of as him being weird. "Well ok, I'll go get your food." I told him smiling a little at "Kuro" who had now fallen asleep. It really was a cute cat. "Umm, thanks" he replied returning the smile I gave him earlier.

(10 minutes later)

The sun had just gone down right about now, and the brunette boy was digging into his cake, and his little cat 'Kuro' was helping himself, too. A did wonder wether or not all that sugar was really the best thing for the animal but his owner didn't seem bothered so I had assumed it was fine. "Hey, touka?" Asked Kaneki breaking my train of thought. "Hmm? Yeah, what?" "Did that guy really bring a cat in here?" he asked smiling at it a little "oh yeah, he said it's name was 'Kuro'? And apparently he's only 18 months. Although for some reason he didn't seem too sure on that? I don't know." I said cleaning out a coffee cup. The door once again opened and again Kaneki greeted the two new customers with a smile. I was about to do the same but I stopped when I saw what one of them had in their hand; a sword. A huge freaking sword. 'Who the hell brings a sword in a café!' I thought frantically. "What the.." Nishiki asked noticing it too.

 - Servamp and Tokyo ghoul crossover   *SPOILERS FOR BOTH SHOWS*-Where stories live. Discover now