Chapter two

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while! Thank you to everyone who read the last chapter! I've got like, a ton of ideas for this story. I kinda lost inspiration for it over December but I'm back into it now! :D

[ re-edited. I hate this chapter but what can you do..]

So there's one thing I'm going to change about the servamp timeline in this. know when Lila takes Lawless's necklace? Well, I'm going to say that instead of Tsubaki destroying it Kuro successfully managed to get it back to his brother so Lawless never lost his powers. Ok that's it. Please enjoy!

Mahiru P.O.V:

"It's probably just C3 overreacting and lashing out at us vampires like always, I don't know why you're so sure it's some 'evil super villain' killing the subclasses, Mahiru. I mean doesn't that sound kinda far fetched...?" Kuro asked me with a sigh. He's wrong though. There's more to it than this I just know it!
"even so...we should still warn the others about just Incase it gets outta hand. I mean it's the right thing to do.." I say that very last part mostly to myself. Ever since I met those ghouls at anteiku a few days ago I'd been constantly going over that letter in my mind. I had been scared of them, actually. Like a lot. But I figured Kuro was in no position to fight and if I had acted out it would have only lead to more than just a broken window. Meanwhile, it seems Kuro hasn't been thinking much at all about any of it.
"Ugh, fine. Lust has like fifty different subclasses so if your heart's set on this it's best to start their.." Kuro points out. I nodded. Yeah I guess your right. Ugh, I'm feeling kinda sick today..weird." I reply taking a sip from my cup of tea. Kuro in his cat form then proceeds to jump on my shoulder.

"Well, let's get going then. I mean if theirs nothing better to do..." My eyes widened a little as I hear him say that. "Kuro I...are you..feeling ok?" I stammered "It's just that you never want to leave the house for anything and now that you don't have to do anything right this minute, you're making yourself be productive?" I stare at him, a confused look spreading across my face. "I'm fine, ok?" He snaps defensively  "Now if you would quit talking I'm trying to sleep.."
" If you say so.." I reply reluctantly.

we exit the building and I lock the door behind us. I then began to delve deep into my thought..
'He's acting different..he never wants to just laze around the house anymore. And yesterday he wanted to go on an actual run! Him! On a run!'
'Somethings wrong..' I pondered 'The servamp of sloth should not be feeling a need for being active or have this much excess energy. He should be playing video games in a dark room on the floor while lying on his back. Hell, that was one of his favourite things to do! That and try and convince me how cute he was. Somethings not right. And I'm not gonna take ''I'm fine'' for an answer. Is he...worried about something? If so, I think I know what it is... Those ghouls we met the other day.. Kuro was so badly injured that if I had said anything or threatened to report them they could've easily attacked Kuro and killed me so I tried acting friendly and casual. That's probably it. Is he..scared? Maybe, but this seems like more than just fear. When Kuro's scared he doesn't act this different, so there's gotta be something else. I just know it'.

I had called Misono in advance so he knew we needed to talk. Weirdly as soon as I left the apartment complex I saw his car parked immediately outside of the building. 'Damn, it's only been less than three minutes! How close does he live?' I was fairly surprised, but I'd seen far stranger things so I moved on quick. "Mahiru, you wanted to talk?" Asked Lilly who was coming out of the black vehicle. "Umm yeah." I replied. " ..and it's about Tsubaki."
Lily's eyes widened upon hearing his name. "He sent me a letter" I continued. "I figured it was especially important that you should read it. And before you ask, I don't know why but I'm 90% sure it's not C3's fault. Kuro told me I was just being paranoid but honestly it's better to be safe than sorry." Lily ( rather hastily I might add ) grabbed the letter off me and started reading it. By the time he was finished he looked confused more than anything. "Where's Misono?" I finally asked him. "He wasn't feeling too well unfortunately." '..weird,' I thought 'me too..maybe there's a bug going around?'
"But you're right, C3 would of told us if they were cracking down harder on subclasses, or at least they should do. Then again, they aren't the most cooperative of companies..hmmm." Lilly thought for a moment, placing his hand over his mouth and staring intently at the letter in his right hand. "I'm afraid that for now I can't help you. But I will certainly inform the others who have subclasses about this, like gluttony and wrath. Thank you, Mahiru."
"No problem!" I smiled.

"so, Misono's feeling sick too?" Questioned Kuro after we had said good bye to Lilly and gotten inside the house. " yeah I know, weird right?" I settled back into my chair wear I had left it. "It's probably just a bug. I mean, what else could it be, right?" As soon as I'd said that I felt just ever so slightly nervous. I saw Kuro jump down from my shoulder and transform back into his human form. He looked at me directly in the eyes and said "only if you're sure..."

Touka P.O.V

It had been a pretty uneventful Thursday at anteiku, slow paced with only a few customers coming in and out fairly
quickly too. Currently there were only two customers inside. "Enjoy your coffee!" I said with a smile to a customer I was serving. "Thanks..." he replied examining it carefully. He had dark hair with a single white streak going through it, white jeans and a dark blue hoodie. "Something wrong, my angel?" The boy sitting across from him questioned. The boy in question had bright yellow hair and was dressed like one of the three musketeers. "Shut up." He replied harshly. "I just feel sick. "
There conversation was honestly a little.. unusual. It mainly consisted of the strange blond teasing the other resulting in him death staring the other. Suddenly, the door was ripped open as a man who was barely dressed came rushing in, his long blonde hair completely frazzled. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you!"
He exclaimed as he ran up to the customers. They immediately stopped what they were doing at looked up at him.
"What happed?" The dark haired boy was the one who spoke. The other customers' grin had fallen into a look of suspicion and confusion upon seeing the other man. "A lot.." the new customer replied, catching his breath presumably from running all the way over here from who knows where. "Just read this, it's about the subclasses.." he handed then over a letter of sorts.
'sub-what? Wait a second.. vampires? So there's more of them, huh?'  I mused as I watched the blondes' face twist into a multitude of expressions as he skimmed over the letter in his left hand. "I see... I'll keep an eye out. Speaking of which.." he turned to his friend sitting across from him. "Let's get you home, my angel?" The boy glared at him. "Fine, Whatever. Anything to get you to stop talking. " the other male pretended to be upset for a split second before grinning once again and walking out the door.

—15 minuets later—

The café was now closing up for the night, while me and Kaneki were wiping down tables.
"So.." I began, breaking the awkward silence between us "I saw at least two more vampires earlier." He stopped briefly and looked at me, confused but only for a second. "Well that's something you don't hear every day" he laughed.
"And they were weirder than the last one, too. On of them was half dressed and the other.. I don't even know. But those freaks better not break another window" I continued harshly. Kaneki smiled at this. "Yeah, I hope so too.."
We continued in silence until it was time to close up completely.

— 1629 words! Thanks for reading!!—

EDIT: —— so as you may have noticed I changed it to Touka's perspective here instead of Kaneki's. Reason being is that I've always hated how it turned out and have been anxious to change it. Kaneki is my favourite character, so I care about how he comes across in the story even if I'm no longer updating this. Touka I love as a character as well but Kaneki is definitely the favourite so out of the two I'd rather mess her up then him :)

Im cringing so hard when I read this but hey, it's better than nothing, right? :)

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