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I've decided to discontinue the story. As much as I still love Tokyo ghoul and have a special place in my heart for Servamp the crossover it just feels too cringy for me. I'll probably post another fanfic on here a few months later, but I am no longer enjoying writing this and I think if I could start again (even if it was another Tokyo ghoul crossover, which it might be) I would be much happier and enjoy the process much more.

That being said, thank you to everyone who's read and liked the story. I really have thought about this decision for a long time and I've gone back on it so many times. I hope that maybe one day I can come back and re-write the story, or at least publish a different crossover of sorts.
Again, thank you so much for reading and I hope you'll read whatever I may produce in the future...

With that being said, have a good day! ❤️❤️

(Here's everything else I had written)

Third person P.O.V:

Mahiru, for lack of a better word, felt like shit.
Mostly because of his illness, but also because Kuro had been out for a while now and he was starting to get worried. I mean, he had said all he was doing was 'going out for a bit', so where was he? He pulled out his phone and scrolled down to about the third number down and pressed 'call'. He smiled when he heard it ring, but there was silence..what? He tried again after a few minutes, still nothing. Why wasn't he picking up? He usually did. Mahiru just shrugged, he couldn't really be bothered with this, not while he felt like this..then again, why did he feel like this? He never really got  sick, so what was this all about? It was like him and Kuro had swiped lives temporarily. He didn't like not feeling like feeling like he couldn't do anything. But never the less, he did.  If only he knew that this was far far from the worst of it.

That it. It's been over an hour now. He was going out for a walk. Sending a text to Kuro and finishing what was left in his cup, a thought came back Into his head, one he'd accidentally pushed a thought to the back of his mind suddenly came flooding back. And that was this; what was up up with that letter?

Kuro P.O.V:

"I'm not saying that it's a definite thing, I'm just saying we should consider it, ok?" Was about all I'd managed to get in throughout the whole meeting. Everyone agreed it wasn't a subclass, and we knew to little about ghouls to assume that it was 100% their doing. Hell, the news seemed to think that every murder was there fault and even they weren't sure about this. I'd gotten jitters and excess energy before from nerves, but this was different. This was taking it to A whole Nother level.

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